Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     우크라이나와 함께하세요!
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Imam petdeset i jednu
pada snijeg
miriše kafa
dobro je
pišu da će rat
da se vrača fašizam
to zvuči isto ko da je negdje bio
ko da nikad niko
nije gino
za zastave koje ne vijore više
za himne što se ne pjevaju
i zemlje kojih se ne sjećaju
imam petdeset i jednu
pored kafe je flaša rakije
dobio od tetka
od njegove je šljive
slušam St. Anthony Alexa Harveya
u potkošulji sam
imam herpes
to me jebe više od nadolazećeg fašizma
nisam više mlad
ne bavim se glupostima
redam lego kockice
kitim jelku
čekam djeda mraza
ako ga ubiju usput
ako naguze jelene
ako fašizam zakuca i na moja vrata
razmišljam da se priključim ovom moru izbjeglica
i posjetim one sa refugees welcome transparentima
ali iskustvo mi kaže da ih neću zateći kući
ili će me dočekati u dobro skrojenoj uniformi
fašizam nije u kukuruznim poljima i njivama
fašizam je pod asfaltom
u blatu naših predaka
to je krvna grupa koja svima daje
a najbolje se prima
kod onog što se lafo otima
imam pedeset i jednu
gledam vjesti
na ekranu je jedino smrt živa
vidim da su euroskeptici došli na svoje
pada evropa
ruši se schengen
sad ćemo svi u vojsku i policiju
obući uniforme zadužiti cijevi
pa na granicu
očistiti korov svako u svojoj avliji
da samo naše cvijeće cvate
barem ja tako vidim pad evrope
al možda ja ne kontam
a i koji će nam stara bolesna fašistička drolja
nama zdravim plemenitim normalnim
imam petdeset i jednu
nisam reakcionar ni cinik
ali imam par rijeći koje mogu zazvučati tako
onima koji žele u antifašističku revoluciju
pa skinite se više sa društvenih mreža
neprijatelj unaprijed zna svaki vaš korak
osim ako to nije sve od koraka
organizacija mora biti hijerarhijski ustrojena
čvrsta nevidljiva i netransparentna
zajebite donacije fondacije festivalčiće
i šta vam znači ono prigovor savjesti
hrana ne oružje
knjige ne municija
pa čovjeće bolan oni će doći sa tenkovima
imam petdeset i jednu
dolazi ljeto
neki će na more
a neki s mora.


I'm 51
snow is falling
coffee smells,
it is good.
They write the war is coming
that fascism is coming back.
It sounds as if it was somewhere
as if nobody ever
for flags that do not flaunt anymore
for hymns that are no longer sung
and countries that are no longer remembered.
I'm 51
next to the coffee is a bottle of rakija,
got it from uncle
it's from his plums
I listen to the St. Anthony by Alex Harvey
I'm in an undershirt
I've got a herpes
it bothers me more than coming fascism.
I'm no longer young
I don't act stupid
I line Lego pieces
I decorate Christmas tree
wait for the Santa Claus
if he gets killed on a way
if reindeers get sodomized
if fascism knocks even on my door
I'm thinking of joining this wave of refugees
and visit those with "refugees welcome" signs
but experience tells me that I'll not meet them at home
or that they will meet me in a well tailored uniform.
Fascism is not in corn field and ploughland
fascism is under asphalt
in the soil of our ancestors
it is a blood type given to everybody
and it's best accepted
by that what is easily taken away.
I'm 51
I watch news.
On screen only death is alive
I see euroskeptics have made it.
Europe is falling
Schengen is collapsing.
Now we all have to join the army or the police
put on uniforms and take arms
then to the border
to weed out weed, each in his own field
so that only our own flowers thrive
at least that how I see the downfall of Europe
but maybe I don't get it
and why do we need old sick fascist whore, anyway.
We, healthy noble normals,
I'm 51
I'm not a reactionist nor cynic
but I have few words that may sound so
to those who want antifascist revolution.
Well, get off finally from social networks,
enemy knows in advance your every move
except if it isn't just moves.
Organization has to be hierarchically structured
solid, invisible and non-transparent
fuck off donations, crowdfunding and festivals
and what is that “an objection of conscience”?
“food not weapons”?
“book not bullets”?
hey man, they are coming to you on tanks.
I'm 51
summer is coming
some will go to the coast
some from the coast.
Damir Avdić: 상위 3
Idioms from "51"