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Be n'èi ua gran tristessa

Be n’èi ua gran tristessa
Be n’èi ua gran tristessa, aulhèr,
Era se n’ei anada,
A jo me’n sab mau lo còr,
He, he, he, he hò…
A jo me’n sab mau lo còr.
Per tota la montanha,
Per tota la montanha, aulhèr,
La nèu non n’ei tan blanca,
E los ausèths que m’an paur,
He, he, he, he hò…
E los ausèths que m’an paur.
Mon Diu! Quina sofrença,
Mon Diu! Quina sofrença, aulhèr,
Tan la nueit com lo dia,
Solet autan com un hòu,
He, he, he, he hò…
Solet autan com un hòu.
Non la tornarèi véder,
Non la tornarèi véder, aulhèr,
De la vita sancèra,
Jo que’n portarèi lo dòu,
He, he, he, he hò…
Jo que’n portarèi lo dòu.

I Have a Great Sorrow

I have a great sorrow
I have a great sorrow, shepherd,
She went away,
And I, I have a broken heart,
He, he, he, he hò…
And I, I have a broken heart.
All over the mountain,
All over the mountain, shepherd,
The snow is so white,
And the birds are afraid of me,
He, he, he, he hò…
And the birds are afraid of me.
My God! But what suffering,
My God! But what suffering, shepherd,
As much in the night as during the day,
All alone like a madman,
He, he, he, he hò…
All alone like a madman.
I will not see her again,
I will not see her again, shepherd,
In my entire life,
I who carry such grief,
He, he, he, he hò…
I who carry such grief.