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  • Claudia Leitte

    Talento → 영어 번역

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Paixão pela bola
Alegria no coração
Vontade na vida é vencer e ser campeão
Garoto venha correr se divertir
Cantar serenata o dia inteiro
Faz um gol com raça moleque ligeiro
Torcida unida, somos brasileiros
Mais um chocolate pra comemorar
Garoto joga com raça
Sorriso no rosto empurra essa massa
Amor assim a gente não acha
Festa sem chocolate não tem graça (2x)


Passion for the ball
Happiness in the heart
Aspiration in life is to win and be the champion
Boy, come run, have a good time
To sing a serenade all day long
Score a goal, brave feeble boy
The fans unite, we are Brazilians
Thrash an opponent1 one more time to celebrate
Boy, play with determination2
Smile on the face incites that crowd
You cannot find a love like that
Party without racking up is no fun (2x)
  • 1. "chocolate", a Brazilian slang equivalent to English sport slang "to rack up/to thrash" = gain a lot of points or score many goals/to win by a large margin
  • 2. "raça" = usually "race" (white, black,...), but in Brazil, fig.: a fighting spirit, determination, courage
Claudia Leitte: 상위 3
Idioms from "Talento"
hualrhualr    金, 17/08/2018 - 01:14

"Garoto venha correr se divertir" -> "Boy, come run, have fun"

   金, 17/08/2018 - 22:48

But "venha" as an imperative is for 3rd person, while "garoto" is a "he" - 2nd person. That being said, my translation doesn't fit the rules, either, I know... ;S but the English sounded more natural ("come run" doesn't sound good to me. :/ ). I think I found some middle ground now in the correction...

Nadejda SilvaNadejda Silva    金, 17/08/2018 - 22:23

If there is a comma after garoto then it should be something like - (hey) boy come to run and have fun.
Just a suggestion of mine :)

michealtmichealt    金, 17/08/2018 - 22:38

I think you are conusing 3rd person subjunctive with 2nd person imperative- "venha" as an imperative can only be 2nd person singular - as present subjunctive in would be 3rd person subjunctive, so "que venha garoto" might mean "let the boy come" but "venha garoto" certainly means "come boy".

   金, 17/08/2018 - 22:49

I'm very tired and can't think straight now, I'll take a look again tomorrow morning, I think it's better. :D Thank you, in any case.

hualrhualr    土, 18/08/2018 - 01:22

The use of 2nd or 3rd person imperative depends on many factors, like the region, politeness, etc. You could use both “venha” (3rd) and “vem” (2nd) with “garoto”, which is a vocative and doesn’t imply necessarily 2nd or 3rd person. On either case, I suppose the translation would be something like “come run”, “let’s run”. I hope this helps :)

Nadejda SilvaNadejda Silva    金, 17/08/2018 - 22:37

Faz um gol com raça - score a goal with determination - imperative
Chocolate - this is a slang meaning to "humiliate" the adversary team by scoring many goals. So, you pour chocolate on them.

   月, 20/08/2018 - 20:46

I thought that chocolate part is a bit weird, but couldn't find what's behind it... :D I celebrate stuff with chocolate so thought it could be literal after all  :D Thanks a lot! :) 

Nadejda SilvaNadejda Silva    月, 20/08/2018 - 22:05

Yes, this one with the chocolate is weird. But I have heard it many times on TV when commentators use it.
And here I found an explanation and an example:
Significado de Chocolate:
É uma gíria dos torcedores usada quando, num clássico, um clube ganha a partir de 4 x 0.

Exemplo do uso da palavra Chocolate:
O Santos foi jogar de igual para igual,mas levou um chocolate do Barcelona.

   月, 20/08/2018 - 20:55

Thanks everyone, I edited my translation, I think it should be fine now. Let me know if I missed something.

Nadejda SilvaNadejda Silva    月, 20/08/2018 - 22:20

Mais um chocolate pra comemorar - To thrash once again (in order) to celebrate - thrash is goleada i.e. to pour chocolate ( acc. to - To thrash an opponent in a competition is to win by a large margin ) this one is tricky a bit.

Amor assim a gente não acha - You cannot imagine a love like that - achar - acha means to find
- You cannot find a love like that

That is all! A short song but with some specific vocabulary. :)

   水, 22/08/2018 - 09:32

Since "achar" also means "to think", I remembered that meaning first and my mind went to "imagine". :D I'll do my translations when feeling more fresh in the future. :D Thank you a lot for your help, I really appreciate it.

It is short, who'd have thought I'll learn this much from it. :D :)

Nadejda SilvaNadejda Silva    水, 22/08/2018 - 10:46

You are very welcome. I think with each and every translation, there is always something new we learn. Even if it is a tiny piece of info. :)
