LT poets on art

Created by BlackSea4ever on 05 Aug 2019 | Collaborator: Sophia_ | 최종 수정: BlackSea4ever , 21 Jan 2021
LT poets on art

Thanks to everyone submitting entries!

My profound thanks to [@vevvev] - without him, this collection would look dull - now it's vivid and beautiful!

I got this idea when @klinok linked video below that just begs a poem, IMHO

“There are not more than five musical notes,
yet the combinations of these five give rise to more melodies than can ever be heard.
There are not more than five primary colours, yet in combination
they produce more hues than can ever been seen.
There are not more than five cardinal tastes, yet combinations of
them yield more flavours than can ever be tasted.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

The only requirement to participate, is your own poem or translation, link to the painting, link to any music of your choice.
I'd love to hear any ideas or suggestions. I count on you to provide a well diversified language selection so we see not only Russian, English, French, but beautiful Japanese, Chinese, etc.


Wonderful work inspired by Hokusai painting

Accompanied by Julian Lloyd Webber plays Song of the Seashore by Narita

Alternate beautiful music choice suggested by [@sandring]

Inspired by a wonderful series of paintings Human Condition by the Belgian surrealist René Magritte

К прекрасным портретам Томаса Эдвина Мостина:

번역:  독일어, 영어

Painting by Vladimir Nesterov "Earth is listening"

Accompanied by Gustav Holst, A Song of the Night

Sometimes poets speak the words that float in your head, but not yet formed into sentences. This poem was such for me.
Painting to come.
Music chosen by poet.

Profound poem, translation, painting, and music.

Painting Dresden in Moonlight by John Dahl

J.K. Mertz - Trois Nocturnes Op. 4 - Michael Bemmels, Guitar

언어:  독일어 → 러시아어

Created by sandring on Sunday, January 7, 2018

Thanks to the author, inspiration came from the sadly lost, possibly destroyed, Van Gogh's self portrait Painter on His Way to Work:

and music by Don McLean

10. Sarasvati - Le muret 프랑스어 

So very beautiful

Painting Conversation On the Wall - Sur Le Muret - by Raoul Edmond Marie
Music René Aubry - Steppe

Lovely poem

Music invisible Love - Richard Clayderman

Painting August Macke Studie zu einem Porträt seiner Frau, 1913
It isn't listed in so we aren't vouching its authenticity just beauty

번역:  독일어
+2 more
, 영어 #1, #2

Yuri Yegorov is my favorite artist. His paintings are like photos from my childhood memories.

Picasso is definitely not my favorite artist. But I respect opinions opposite to mine.

Absolute whimsy!

Painting by Andreas Mischke 2014 last entry

Music Wintergatan

번역:  러시아어 #1

16. Vera Jahnke - Moby Dick 독일어 

Classic literature meets modern day!

번역:  영어

Music of Beethoven is the perfect accompaniment to the painting by Van Gogh The Old Tower in the Fields

Poem and translation are deeply moving.

언어:  독일어 → 영어

Created by Freigeist on Sunday, August 11, 2019

18. Dora Vysotskaya - La melodia 카탈로니아어 

Lovely poem, painting accompanied by 3-violin quartet
Author chose this vibrant painting

A poignant selection of art, music, and original poem
Original music choice (Guendanabani)
Painting: (Painting by Jesús Helguera)


Wonderful poem, glorious music video, whimsical painting

번역:  독일어, 영어

21. O.S. - Ночное (Nochnoe) 러시아어 

Beautiful poem accompanied by
Painting Milky Way Landscape Portrait by MHew
Music: Adam Levine - Lost Star guitar

번역:  독일어
+2 more
, 영어 #1, #2

Poem, music, and painting play as a scene from a movie.

Music Passion by Romane
Painting SEA ZEN OF TRANQUILITY by Jay Alders.

번역:  독일어

Poem makes paints come alive. Mixing paints...

번역:  독일어, 영어

번역:  독일어
+2 more
, 러시아어 #1, #2

Here is a vivid poem accompanied by the image fro the Hermitage collection

언어:  영어 → 러시아어

Created by Pinchus on Saturday, August 3, 2019

Painting Seppuku by Pejac

Today, I better understand this poem, so I'm sharing author's take:
" Japanese tradition is not based on suicide, but on honor and purity. If someone committed meanness and lost honor, he can return it through seppuku instead of being executed with shame. Modern society is more hymn to the criminal than to the victim, so too many vile people continue to live and create their meanness. Therefore, although the traditions of Japan, the Caucasus or other similar old cultures seem too brutal to us, they still have a certain meaning. Of course, my song does not call for suicide, but only describes seppuku in a historical context and rather in an ironic manner using the popular Russian song."

번역:  독일어

Painting: Viktor Oliva
Music: Elena Vayenga Abstinthe

번역:  독일어

29. Aliis - Туве (Tove) 러시아어 

Poet's inspiration and dedication to Tove Marika Janssen, writer and painter
Song choices shared by the poet

번역:  독일어

Dedicated to our friend, M, is this humorous poem, adorable painting, and wonderful music
Painting by Brad Smith
Music Mancini - It Had Better Be Tonight

If you need an extra smile

Inspired by the incredible sculpture Douleur by Jacqueline Didsbury and accompanied by the music of John Williams

Continuing our turn from the paintings to sculpture,
An interesting conversation between the poet and the monument. I was struck by the final verse below because I spoke to the fountains and sculptures myself:
Давно ты стал русским, Геракл, приятель, учитель, сосед.
Всегда ты поддержишь средь мрака, мой друг для душевных бесед!

34. Jvoron - Игра 번역

Check out this wonderful poem accompanied by a great music video Havasi - The Road

언어:  러시아어 → 영어

Created by BlackSea4ever on Thursday, September 19, 2019

Enigmatic poem accompanied by the marvelous music and paintings.

the bog - who better at it than Irish? Connor Murphy - Charles Fort Kinsale
Michelangelo - Creation of Adam
Botticelli's Primavera
Purple painting at the end is by Lev Mezhberg

Music: Respighi - Poema Autunnale

36. O.S. - Мост (Most) 러시아어 

Creative poem and its wonderful French translation (hurts to admit, [@jadis] accompanied by the vintage images of the bridge that seem to dance thanks to [@vevvev ] to the wonderful music by Rimsky-Korsakov - Fantasia on Russian Themes (fragment)

번역:  독일어, 영어

Here, is the poem dedicated to the artist, Emil Nolde, accompanied by his paintings and
Music: Wildflowers by Tim Janis

언어:  프랑스어 → 영어

Created by Hubert Clolus on Saturday, November 2, 2019

Another beautiful and lyrical entry accompanied by Grieg's music Peer Gynt' Suite No. 1, Op. 46 - 'Morning

번역:  독일어, 영어

Arthur Dove's painting Clouds and Water
Ezio Bosso music - clouds and [re]wind

번역:  독일어 #1
+3 more
, #2, 러시아어 #1, #2

New poem for our consideration

번역:  러시아어, 영어

A most beautiful poem, translations, music and singing by our own, Irula!
As always, grateful thanks to Zhenya!

언어:  러시아어 → 영어

Created by Iremia on Monday, November 16, 2020

   月, 05/08/2019 - 18:53

Agh.. I'm slow. You should be. Lol, stop cluttering and give me your poem! Lol

   木, 26/03/2020 - 02:09

Hey, I just realized you never submitted an entry - how about it, Alex?

   火, 06/08/2019 - 17:58

I accept your choice, but I feel you are hiding behind the apple

   木, 08/08/2019 - 06:55

*thumbs_up* И здесь котик хорош :)

   金, 09/08/2019 - 15:24

Michael, maybe to distract you from troubles, you can make vast improvements to my Утренняя Заря?
I botched it up starting with зоря... And I still insist YouTube permits the image!
Be a good sport!
Feel better!!!

   木, 08/08/2019 - 13:10

I think nobody understood what I was asking because Zhenya asked Aliis and she responded.
Why don't you write yours and we will ask Vera and Ustim - I asked Andrew so he knows, but might not be interested.

vevvevvevvev    木, 08/08/2019 - 13:51

Напишите им, Александр. И сами не отлынивайте :)

   木, 08/08/2019 - 22:32

[@vera Jahnke], Vera, would you consider participating? Pick a panting, write a poem, pick music or we can suggest. Thanks in advance.

Everyone who reads this is welcome to participate.

Vera JahnkeVera Jahnke    金, 09/08/2019 - 09:11

What a fantastic idea! I am really flashed! Of course I would like to contribute! Please give me some time...

   木, 08/08/2019 - 20:40

Oh, you! I will have to think on music for this one! Love the challenge!
Thank you!

LizzzardLizzzard    木, 08/08/2019 - 22:22

My bad.
the artist is Vladimir Nesterov "Earth is listening", 1965.

   金, 09/08/2019 - 13:30

I have to say that my idea is heavily supported by vevvev's help - without his videos, it would be not anywhere so visual! Thanks, Zhenya.

JadisJadis    金, 09/08/2019 - 18:53

Captain, oh my Captain! I just recycled an old and dusty thing that perhaps could find a place in this collection. If not, never mind, I'll take revenge on something else. :P

Vera JahnkeVera Jahnke    水, 14/08/2019 - 12:09

Dear Deanna, could you please check the video Nr. 18? It is mixed with Nr. 1. Thank you.
And let me say, again, that it is a beautiful collection, an excellent teamwork (thank you vevvev!) and a wonderful possibility to get in contact with other artist here.

   月, 19/08/2019 - 14:36

[@lt] Resolved itself.
experiencing an issue where entries are mixed up.
I just deleted and recreated the last entry, but previous one is now incorrect. Can you please take a look. Thanks in advance.

   月, 19/08/2019 - 14:55

Диана, а куда Вы дели упоминание о [@Klinok] ? ;)

   月, 19/08/2019 - 21:43

I didn't touch it. Didn't even update header. Only saw problem with links screwed up. My god, I can't remember that video he showed...thanks for noticing!

   月, 19/08/2019 - 22:01

Thanks! Fixed. He must have changed user ID.
Welcome, my collaborator!

Vera JahnkeVera Jahnke    月, 19/08/2019 - 16:27

Dear Deanna,
here is a poem about "Schönedingeturm I" (Tower of Beautiful Things I) of the painter Andreas Mischke. You will find the picture on his website if you choose the year 2014. Do you have any idea for a instrumental support? I would appreciate it very much, because I love this picture. Thank you in advance.önedingeturm-i-lyrics....

Vera JahnkeVera Jahnke    月, 19/08/2019 - 16:41

Thanks a lot Nadia, a cool sound! I have just written a message to the painter, maybe he himself has an idea. So we should wait for his answer... See you! :)

Vera JahnkeVera Jahnke    火, 20/08/2019 - 20:30

Thank you all for your work! It is so lovely.... 💗

JadisJadis    金, 23/08/2019 - 15:52

Что доказывает нам, что это действительно кот Шелдон? Шелдон, смотри сюда!

JadisJadis    金, 23/08/2019 - 16:19

Этот вопрос определит расследование.

   金, 23/08/2019 - 16:21

He, not Sheldon, has partaken of his favorite drink. So much that I'm awaiting a new poem from him for this collection.

PinchusPinchus    日, 08/09/2019 - 16:21

Диана, а моего "Белого кота" не добавите? Спасибо!

PinchusPinchus    日, 08/09/2019 - 16:46

Типа "Розовой Пантеры"? Мне нравится, в самую точку! Кошачья музыка.

   日, 08/09/2019 - 22:46

[@sophia_] Soph, could you please fix entries #20 and 21 so their video is linked properly. I'll fix it here when it works - thanks in advance

   月, 09/09/2019 - 09:08

У меня всё работает, видео играет.
А в чём проблема?

   月, 09/09/2019 - 09:17

On each of these, I put video in. If you please go to the entry itself and edit video there, it will look better. Thanks.

   月, 09/09/2019 - 09:21

А, поняла теперь, сейчас сделаю

   月, 09/09/2019 - 09:51

Вы можете выбрать музыку и попросить [@vevvev] сделать видео :)

   日, 15/09/2019 - 05:34

[@pinhas Zelenogorsky], PZ, you spoke about the sculpture once. If you wish to pick one you love in your Please do!

vevvevvevvev    日, 15/09/2019 - 14:27

Да, я тоже сразу набрел на эту ссылку. Он сейчас, после реставрации, как новенький должен быть.

   木, 26/03/2020 - 02:07

I’m hoping Zhenya will combine them both in his video - I already asked him. For now, I linked the painting in the collection.
Thanks again!

Туна ЧеневскаяТуна Ченевская    木, 26/03/2020 - 02:37

Ahh that can't be better! Eagerly waiting ;)