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Рябиновые бусы

В туманной дымке тает осенних дней закат.
С последней птичьей стаей уснул наш старый сад.
Лишь ягоды рябины горят в моем окне,
Как бусы, что любимый дарил на память мне.
Рябиновые бусы, как рассвет,
Признаний безыскусных чистый свет.
Рябиновые бусы раз в году
Пророчат счастье и беду.
От ягод тех заветных мне глаз не отвести.
Рябиновые бусы - залог твоей любви.
Оттаяли и горечью наполнили мой взгляд.
Ведь дней счастливых наших нам не вернуть назад.
Рябиновые бусы, как рассвет,
Признаний безыскусных чистый свет.
Рябиновые бусы раз в году
Пророчат счастье и беду.
Я кисть рябины красной под снегом отыщу.
Прости меня, любимый, и я тебя прощу.
Мне новых встреч не надо - все было и прошло.
Рябиновое счастье по капле унесло.
Рябиновые бусы, как рассвет,
Признаний безыскусных чистый свет.
Рябиновые бусы раз в году
Пророчат счастье и беду.

Rowan berry necklace

Autumn days’ sunset is melting away in a hazy fog.
Our garden fell asleep after the last flock of birds departed.
And only rowan berries are still ablaze behind my window,
Just like a necklace that my dear love gave me as a keepsake.
The rowan berry necklace, it’s like a sunrise,
like a pure light of an ingenious declaration of love.
The rowan berry necklace, once a year,
It foretells happiness and trouble.
I cannot take my eyes off of these cherished berries.
The rowan berry necklace, a token of your love,
Thawed and filled my sight with bitterness.
After all, we cannot bring back those days of happiness.
The rowan berry necklace, it’s like a sunrise,
like a pure light of an ingenious declaration of love.
The rowan berry necklace, once a year,
It foretells happiness and trouble.
I will find a cluster of the rowan berries under the snow.
Forgive me, my darling, and I will forgive you too.
I don’t seek a new beginning - we had it all and it just went away.
Drop by drop, my rowan berry happiness was carried away.
The rowan berry necklace, it’s like a sunrise,
like a pure light of an ingenious declaration of love.
The rowan berry necklace, once a year,
It foretells happiness and trouble.
“Рябиновые бусы”의 번역에 협력해 주세요
Collections with "Рябиновые бусы"
SchnurrbratSchnurrbrat    火, 14/07/2020 - 23:02
   火, 14/07/2020 - 23:18

42, I am very curious to know how it looks on your screen. Could you please send me a screenshot or just copy the text like PZ did yesterday? It helps me understand what’s going on. I don’t have a PC, only a work laptop that I cannot use (LT would be blocked by company policy) to check the text formatting.
I will get back to your comments regarding this translation a little bit later. Thank you!

IgeethecatIgeethecat    火, 14/07/2020 - 23:34

Formatted just fine for me

Btw - any formatting issues like this - to admins. The normal user is not responsible for the app is not being compatible to multi-browsers. (I ignored the fact that 42 might have an outdated version of the browser)

And person's custom screen resolution might have some impact too

silencedsilenced    火, 14/07/2020 - 23:39

On a Win 10 PC with Firefox, in a window wide enough for the page to use all available width, I get the same issues as 42, i.e. two lines split while they are not in the source:

Rowanberry necklace -
a token of your love,

Forgive me, my darling,
And I will forgive you too.

silencedsilenced    火, 14/07/2020 - 23:45

Sure. I've been looking for a reason to sell my *ss to Google for years, at last I found one.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    火, 14/07/2020 - 23:52

Oh, well, you can sell your **ss to MS or Apple and go dinging pipe lines to get some help from your neighbor, my friend

silencedsilenced    水, 15/07/2020 - 00:29

Or I can live with a few formatting issues :)

IgeethecatIgeethecat    水, 15/07/2020 - 00:39

You sure can, you weren't the one who complained about it/them ;(

silencedsilenced    水, 15/07/2020 - 00:40

Just to make sure, I had a look at the HTML. Firefox does exactly what is expected. There are line breaks in the source. Why other browsers wouldn't display them is a sweet mystery to me.

   水, 15/07/2020 - 00:38

I was thinking about Perfect tense, you are right. I will change it.
I normally don’t like “it’s” but I can see it would be better here.
The last suggestion - I was thinking to get rid of hyphen and just use commas around “a token of your love”. Let me see what I can do there.
Thanks again!

Олег Л.Олег Л.    火, 14/07/2020 - 23:36

Ирина, в последнем куплете была небольшая неточность:
Рябиновое счастье ПО КАПЛЕ унесло.

   水, 15/07/2020 - 00:32

Спасибо! 👍 Сейчас исправлю!

George.GGeorge.G    水, 15/07/2020 - 06:48

Necklace это ожерелье, а бусы это string of beads. В качестве бусинок выступают ягоды рябины.

   水, 15/07/2020 - 12:28

It is still called “a necklace”, be it a string of beads or a choker.

sandringsandring    水, 15/07/2020 - 07:27

Hi, Irina.

Lovely translation, thank you.

You're right - the item is called "a rowan berry necklace" (spelled separately) but you need an article with it.
In the first couplet, I suggest "Just like a necklace that my dear love gave me as a keepsake", further on "the necklace".

"An autumn days’ sunset" should be either "An autumn day sunset" or "Autumn days' sunset"

I second 42 - "the mist of fog" is a bit much too much Misty haze???

The rowan berry necklace is like a sunrise
Like a pure light of an ingenuous declaration of love. - I don't think you need "it" here at all

Our garden has fallen asleep after the last flock of birds departed (That's the correct correlation of tenses)

All in all, that's a wonderful translation. Formating is past me so I'd better keep silent on the issue :)

   水, 15/07/2020 - 12:32

Thank you, Nadya! I will fix the errors. The articles are my greatest enemy, no doubt about it 😕