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Flor de lua

Solidão, campo aberto
Campo chão, tão deserto
Meu verão, ansiedade
Meu irmão, de saudade
Campo sol, girassol, branco lírio,
Ilusão, solidão, meu martírio
Torna a flor, minha flor, campo chão,
Torna a dor, minha dor, solidão
Vai no vento, a passar
Um lamento, a gritar
Dó ré mi, mi fá sol
Dó ré mi, girassol
Velho cardo, esguio nardo, flor de lua
Mi fá sol, girassol, eu sou tua
Torna a dor, minha flor, campo chão
Torna a dor, minha flor, solidão
Grita o mar, geme o vento
Teu olhar, meu tormento
Chora a lua, flor dourada
Madressilva, madrugada
Canta a lua, seminua, flor mimosa
Sargaçal, roseiral, minha rosa
Chora a fonte, reza o monte, branca asa
Canta a flor, chora a flor, campa rasa

Moon Flower

Solitude, open field
Field ground, as the desert
My summer, anxiety
My brother, of longing
Field sun, sunflower, white lily
Illusion, solitude, my martyrdom
Becomes the flower, my flower, field ground
Becomes the pain, my pain, solitude
I goes in the wind, passing
A lament, the scream
Do re mi, mi fa sol
Do re mi, sunflower
Old thistle, slender grass, moon flower
Mi fa sol, sunflower, I am yours
Becomes the pain, my flower, field ground
Becomes the pain, my flower, solitude
The sea shouts, the wind moans
Your look, my torment
The moon cries, golden flower
Honeysuckle, morning
The moon sings, half naked, mimosa flower
Sargasso, rose garden, my rose
The fountain cries, the hill prays, white wing
The flower sings, the flower cries, shallow grave
Ana Moura: 상위 3