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L'àguila negra

Un bon dia, o potser una nit,
prop del mar jo m'havia adormit
quan, de cop, el cel s'omple de llum
i un ocell negre surt sense venir d'enlloc.
Lentament, les ales bategant,
lentament, ell anava girant.
Prop de mi, el batec s'acabà
i, com caigut del cel, l'ocell es va aturar.
Els ulls eren de color robí
i les plomes de color de nit.
I al seu front, mil raigs de to suau,
l'ocell, rei coronat, portava un diamant blau.
Amb el bec la cara em va tocar,
el seu coll em vaig trobar a la mà.
Fou llavors que jo vaig saber qui,
imatge del passat, volia tornar amb mi.
Bon ocell, porta'm amb tu al país
d'altres temps, sigues el meu amic.
Com abans, en somnis clars d'infant,
estels i més estels collirem tremolant.
Com abans, en somnis clars d'infant,
com abans, damunt d'un núvol blanc,
com abans, tu i jo el sol encendrem
i a l'illa del record la pluja llançarem...
L'ocell negre tombà els ulls al sol,
cap al cel tot d'una emprengué el vol.
Un bon dia, o potser una nit,
prop del mar jo m'havia adormit
quan, de cop, el cel s'omple de llum
i un ocell negre surt sense venir d'enlloc.
Lentament, les ales bategant,
lentament, ell anava girant.
Prop de mi, el batec s'acabà
i, com caigut del cel, l'ocell es va aturar.

The Black Eagle

One good day, or maybe at night,
Near the sea, I had fallen asleep
When, suddenly, the sky was filled with light
And a black bird appeared out of nowhere.
Slowly, flapping its wings;
Slowly, it flew in circles.
Near me, the movement ceased
And, as if it had fallen from the sky, the bird stopped.
Its eyes were the colour of rubies
And its feathers, had the colour of night.
And, on its forehead, a thousand rays of soft light;
The bird was crowned with a blue diamond.
With its beak, it touched my face.
Its neck found its way to my hand.
It was then that I knew who,
(A memory from the past) wanted to come back to me.
My good bird, take me to the country
Of the Distant Past; be my friend.
Just as before, in a child's innocent dreams,
We gathered, trembling, stars upon stars.
Just as before, in a child's innocent dreams.
Just as before, on a white cloud.
Just as before, we will light up the sun
And, in the Isle of Reminiscence, we shall bring rain...
The bird turned its eyes towards the sun
And, all of a sudden, it rose up to the skies.
One good day, or maybe at night,
Near the sea, I had fallen asleep
When, suddenly, the sky was filled with light
And a black bird appeared out of nowhere.
Slowly, flapping its wings;
Slowly, it flew in circles.
Near me, the movement ceased
And, as if it had fallen from the sky, the bird stopped.
Collections with "L'àguila negra"
Maria del Mar Bonet: 상위 3