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Láska Moja

Sme rana a nôž,
Sme pravda a lož.
My sme dvaja psi,
Abrahám a syn.
Ja sa polepším,
Ty sa polepši.
Tisíc dôvodov
Na sto rozchodov.
A posledný krát
Pokus o návrat.
Najhoršie výčitky sú tie nemé?
Prečo sa súčasne milujeme a zraňujeme?
Všetko vieme ...
Prečo sa chápeme, nechápeme.
Je zázrak, ako sa rany hoja,
Tak už mi zavolaj, láska moja!
Nikto ťa nemá rád tak ako ja,
Tak už sa nehnevaj, láska moja!
Nikto ťa nemá rád tak ako ja ...
Tak už sa nehnevaj, láska moja ...

Love Of Mine

We are the wound and the knife,
We are the truth and the lie.
We are two dogs,
Abraham and his son.
I will get better,
You will get better.
A thousand reasons
For a hundred partings.
And the last time
Try to come back.
Are the worst reproaches those which are voiceless?
Why do we love and hurt each other at the same time?
We know everything ...
Why we understand, misunderstand each other.
It is a wonder, how the wounds heal,
So, call me already, love of mine!
Nobody loves you as much as me,
So, do not be angry anymore, love of mine!
Nobody loves you as much as me ...
So, do not be angry anymore, love of mine ...
Ondřej Brzobohatý: 상위 3
SlovakiaSlovakia    日, 27/04/2014 - 13:07

Great job, just I would fix:

Najhoršie výčitky sú tie nemé? > Are the worst reproaches THOSE WHICH ARE voiceless?

Prečo sa chápeme, nechápeme. > Why do we understand, misunderstand EACH OTHER

Tak už mi zavolaj, láska moja! > So call me ALREADY, love of mine!

Nikto ťa nemá rád tak ako ja > Nobody LIKES you as much as me

Tak už sa nehnevaj, láska moja! > So don't be angry ANYMORE, love of mine

The meaning is kept though so 5* still :)

   日, 27/04/2014 - 14:37

Fixed. Thanks a lot for your corrections and vote. :)

Is it necessary to change «love» into «like»?

SlovakiaSlovakia    日, 27/04/2014 - 15:50

To be honest "love" suits into the English translation more to me, but "nikto ťa nemá rád tak ako ja" says exactly that it is supposed to be "no one likes you as much as am"
-"love" tends to be "milovať" or "ľúbiť", "mať rád" is kinda less than that.
It's up to you :D

   月, 28/04/2014 - 06:57

Thanks for the explanation again! :)
If you do not mind, I will leave "love" here.
And "like" I used in the second translation.

BssHlwBssHlw    日, 27/04/2014 - 19:12

Рысь -- жмурится Твоим Запахом...
Так норкой -- Сны им Ты...

Дадим Жару!!!

   月, 28/04/2014 - 06:58

Маленькие знания чешского языка помогли.

MarinkaMarinka    水, 30/04/2014 - 19:56

Ничего себе маленькие! 8)
(А ты заметила, что лучшие духи всегда в маленьких флакончиках?... :glasses: )