Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     우크라이나와 함께하세요!
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من أجل عينيـــك

من أجل عينيـــك
من أجل عينيـــك عشقـــت الهــــــوى
بعـــد زمـــان كنــــت فيــــه الخلــــــــي
وأصبحــــت عينـــــي بعــــد الكـــــرى
تقــــــــول للتسهيــــــد لا ترحـــــــــــــلى
يا فاتنــــــــا لولاه مــــــــــا هزنــــــــي وجد
و لا طعم الهوى طاب لـــــــــــــي
هذا فؤادي فامتلـــــــــــك أمــــــــــــره
وأظلمه أن أحببت أو فاعـــــــــــــــــــدل
من بريق الوجد في عينيك أشعلت حنيني
و على دربك أني رحت أرسلت عيونـــــــي
الرؤى حولي غامت بين شكي ويقينـــــي
والمنى ترقص في قلبي على لحن شجوني
استشف الوجد في صوتك آهات دفينـــــة
يتوارى بين أنفاسك كي لا أستبينـــــــة
لست أدري أهو الحب الذي خفت شجونه
أم تخوفت من اللوم فآثرت السكينــــــة
مـــلأت لــي درب الهـــــــوى بهجــــة كالنـــور
فـي وجنـــــة صبـــــح نـــــــدي
وكنت ان أحسســـــــــت بـــــي شقـوة
تبكـــــي كطفـــــل خائــــــف مجهـــــــــد
وبعد مـــــــا أغوتنــــــــي لـــــــم أجـد
ألا سرابــــــــا عالقــــــــا فــــــي يــــدي
لـم أجـني منـه غيـر طيــــف ســــــري
وغـــــــاب عـــــن عينــــــي و لم أهتدي
كـم تضاحكــــت عندمـــا كنـــت أبكــي
وتمنيـــــــت أن يطـــــــــول عذابـــــــــي
كـم حسـت الأيـــــام غيــــــر غـــــــوال
وهـي عمـــري و صبوتــــــي و شبابــــي
كـم ظننــت الأنيــن بيـــن ضلوعــــــي
رجــع لحـــن مـــن الأغانــــي العذابـــــي
وأنـا احتســي مدامـــع قلبـــــــــــــــــي
حيــــن لـــم تلقنـــي لتســـأل مـا بــــــــي
لا تقل أين ليالينا وقد كانت عذابـــــــــــــا
لا تسألني عن أمانينا وقد كانت سرابـــــا
أنني أسدلت فرق الأمس سترا وحجابــــا
فتحمل مرة هجرانك واستبق العتابـــــــــا

In favour of your eyes

In favour of your eyes I adored love
After long time I had spent it lonely.
My sleepy eyes have been begging the sleeplessness for staying up with me.
O handsome! If it wasn't for you
Longing wouldn't have given me shivers
Or I wouldn't liked taste of love
This is my heart...have mercy on it or be unjust.
By the luster of passion in your eyes, you have ignited my longing
And on your way wherever you go,my eyes follow you.
The visions around me have been masked by my doubts & my trust
And the hopes in my heart dance to tone of my blues.
The deep sighs in your voice expose your hidden desire for me.
That shyly dissolves in your fast breathes to hide it from me.
I don't know was it the love that you were afraid of Or you were afraid of rejection so you kept silent.
You've enlightened path of love with light & delighted me at the wet dawn
And if you had felt me unwell
You cried for me like a tired little child.
After I got trapped in your love
I have found nothing in my hands but some illusions.
I have nothing of you but an image has never stayed up with me.
It vanishes away from my eyes
And I'd lose my way...
O handsome! If it wasn't for you
Longing wouldn't have given me shivers
Or I wouldn't liked taste of love.
This is my heart...have mercy on it or be unjust.
So often you laughed while I was crying.
Would you have wished to elongate my torment?
Have you thought those years were just passing years?
They weren't ,but my life & my unruly youth.
You've thought my singing was happiness but it was my silent desire cauterising my ribs
Have you known that I had drunk up my heart's tears whenever you came & didn't ask me "how are you"?
Don't ask how have we missed these nights...they were torment.
Don't tell me how have we lost our hopes...they were illusions.
I've masked the past with a curtain & a veil
So, it's your turn to bear the torment of your stubborn.
And keep the reproaching away...keep the reproaching away.
O handsome! If it wasn't for you
Longing wouldn't have given me shivers.
Or I wouldn't liked taste of love.
This is my heart...have mercy on it or be unjust.