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Promisiuni despre calatorii in destinatii sclipitoare
Tin motivatia multora in picioare
Ca nu stiu cand e vorba de coaie si arme
Cand e vorba de sperante si rabdare
Planuri gandite, bine puse in aplicare
Strategii de conectare si comunicare
Fiecare se pregateste pentru marea lui evadare
Ca vine o zi in care fiecare merge pe propria lui cale
Poarta razboaie, cade in genunchi, se ridica in picioare
E o continua goana, coaie
Si tot ce vrei e sa te mentii in plutonul fruntas
Intr-un M6 te vad, alergand prin oras
Cu destule substante interzise in portbagaj
Cat sa te tina multi ani departe de anturaj
E o linie fina intre nebunie si curaj
Daca n-o treci esti las si poti sa pierzi daca o faci
Totusi, ceva, un minut, parca iti spune s-o lasi
Dar tu spui: "Taci, fa, am tupeu de borfas"
Mi-am promis sa fac orice ca sa reusesc
Mi-am impins limitele in drumul meu spre succes
Aveam un vis, inca visez, e omenesc
Am invins, sunt inca aici, sa demonstrez
Mi-am promis sa fac orice ca sa reusesc
Mi-am impins limitele in drumul meu spre succes
Aveam un vis, inca visez, e omenesc
Am invins, sunt inca aici, sa demonstrez
Iti faci mereu promisiuni, minciuni
Inconjurat de stricaciuni
Desi cauti baietii buni, buni, buni
Bun, cica de luni, luni, luni, luni
Te lasi de rele
De probleme, de belele
Dar tu n-ai cum sa scapi de ele
Nici tu nu te crezi
Tot o sa fumezi
Stii bine, o sa te droghezi
Bai, tot vagabontii aia o sa ii urmezi
Aberezi, tu crezi ca te schimbi, visezi
Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla
Da' uite-te atent in oglinda, in pula mea
Dupa ce toata viata ai purtat trening d-ala bun
Acuma vrei s-o arzi la costum, esti nebun
Vino-ti in fire, e mai bine
La chestia asta nu sunt pastile
Tine, sunt, poate, bile
Asculta-ma pe mine
Promisiunile astea ale tale sunt puerile
Da, acum e bine, bine, da, bine, bine
Mi-am promis sa fac orice ca sa reusesc
Mi-am impins limitele in drumul meu spre succes
Aveam un vis, inca visez, e omenesc
Am invins, sunt inca aici, sa demonstrez
Mi-am promis sa fac orice ca sa reusesc
Mi-am impins limitele in drumul meu spre succes
Aveam un vis, inca visez, e omenesc
Am invins, sunt inca aici, sa demonstrez


Promises of trips to amazing destinations
Keep steady the motivations of many people
yet i don't know when it's about being though and having balls,
and when it's about having hope and patience
Well thought out plans, carefully put into action
Strategies to connect and communicate
Everyone's preparing for their big escape
Because there will come a day when everyone goes their own way
He fights wars, falls down on his knees, rising up again
It's a neverending race, man
And all you want is to be on the front line
I see you in a M6, driving around town
With enough illegal substances in your trunk
to keep you many years away from society
It's a fine line between crazyness and bravery
If you don't cross it you're a coward and you can lose if you do
Still, something, for a minute, seems to tell you to give up
But you say: shut up girl, I got the nerve of a thug
I've promised myself to do anything to succeed
Pushing my limits on my road to success
I had a dream, still dreaming, I'm just human
I won, I'm still here to prove it
You always make yourself promises, lies
surrounded by corruption
you often look for the good guys, good, good, good
well, seems like you've been looking for months, months, months
You gave up wrongdoing,
creating problems, making trouble
but there's no way you can get rid of them
You can't even believe yourself,
You'll keep smoking
You know it very well, and getting high
You'll keep following all the scums
You're talking trash, you think you'll change, stop dreaming
Blah blah blah blah blah
But look the fuck into the mirror
you've been wearing hoodies all your life
Now you wanna wear a Tuxedo? You're nuts
Come to your senses, it's better
There are no pills for this
there are, maybe, balls
Listen to me
Your promises are childish
Yeah, now everything's allright, allright, yeah, allright, allright
I've promise to myself to do anything to succeed
Pushing my limits on the road to my success
I had a dream, and i'm still dreaming , i'm only human
I succeeded and i'm here to prove it
I've promised myself to do anything to succeed
Pushing my limits on my road to success
I had a dream, still dreaming, I'm just human
I won, I'm still here to prove it