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Србина чува слава и Бог

Опет слећу црне птице,
на православном крсту.
Опет се буде душмани
и псују мајку Српску.
У бој, у бој, у бој,
устани Србине мој,
не иди никуд са огњишта свог,
Србина чува слава и Бог.
Не иди никуд са огњишта свог,
Србина чува слава и Бог.
У бој, у бој, у бој!
Ма кога ће они на врбе,
а траже у страху спас.
Ми смо Срби кроз векове многе,
газили много јаче од нас!
У бој, у бој, у бој,
устани Србине мој,
не иди никуд са огњишта свог,
Србина чува слава и Бог.
Не иди никуд са огњишта свог,
Србина чува слава и бог.
У бој, у бој, у бој!
Пале нам огњишта наша,
камењем тела нам пуне,
Докле ће мајке Српкиње
да носе хаљине црне?
У бој, у бој, у бој,
устани Србине мој,
не иди никуд са огњишта свог,
Србина чува слава и Бог.
Не иди никуд са огњишта свог,
Србина чува слава и Бог!

The Serbs are protected by glory and God

The black bird will play,
On an Orthodox cross.
Again the enemy awakens
and curses Mother Serbia.
To battle, to battle, to battle,
Arise, my Serbians,
Don't go anywhere from your doorstep,
The Serbs are protected by glory and God.
Don't go anywhere from your doorstep,
The Serbs are protected by glory and God.
To battle, to battle, to battle,
Those who shall be hung on the trees,
Are trying to look for hope in fear.
We serbs, through centuries, have always crushed
Others stronger than us!
To battle, to battle, to battle,
Arise, my Serbians,
Don't go anywhere from your doorstep,
The Serbs are protected by glory and God.
Don't go anywhere from your doorstep,
The Serbs are protected by glory and God.
To battle, to battle, to battle,
Our houses have fallen,
Our bodies are filled with stones,
How long shall our Serbian mothers
Have to wear black scarves?
To battle, to battle, to battle,
Arise, my Serbians,
Don't go anywhere from your doorstep,
The Serbs are protected by glory and God.
Don't go anywhere from your doorstep,
The Serbs are protected by glory and God!