Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     우크라이나와 함께하세요!
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Tanca mea, Tanc'ali dadi

Tanca mea, Tanc'ali dadi,
ia pute shidzută'mpadi.
Tanca tretsi prit livadi,
cu fustanea pân' di padi.
Cu fustanea pân' di padi
shi adună iarbă din padi.
Tanca mea, Tanc'ali dadi,
ia pute shidzută'mpadi.
Trei frimtări ti trei dzâli,
li si-alachi sistră di mână.
Tanca mea, Tanc'ali dadi,
ia pute shidzută'mpadi.
Trei lări tu ună stâmână,
li si-aliichi maljŭ di mână.
Tanca mea, Tanc'ali dadi,
ia pute shidzută'mpadi.

My Dear Tanca, Mother Dearest

My dear Tanca, mother dearest,
she never rests.
Tanca is passing through the garden,
dragging her dress on the ground.
Dragging her dress on the ground,
she's harvesting grass.
My dear Tanca, mother dearest,
she never rests.
She made bread three times in three days,
the rake is never missing from her hands.
My dear Tanca, mother dearest,
she never rests.
She did the laundry three times in a week,
the hammer is never missing from her hands.
My dear Tanca, mother dearest,
she never rests.