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Tot queda enrere (New Kid In Town)

Des de dalt del tren, obres la finestra;
mires i el poble sembla encara més petit.
És massa aviat, a casa tots dormen
i, quan es llevin, tu ja no seràs allí...
Tot queda enrere,
vas a la ciutat;
allò que et lligava
t'ho has tret del davant...
Enllà et quedaran els amics de sempre:
rere les persianes, els cors amagats.
Els carrers estrets, el bar i l'església
i el racó on tant el vas estimar...
Tot queda enrere,
vas a la ciutat;
tot el que volies
ho tens al davant...
Estàs tremolant, potser t'equivoques...
Però ho vols intentar i t'ha arribat l'hora:
plores, saps que estàs sola.
El tren s'ha aturat. Tanques la finestra;
a la mà, l'adreça que algú et va donar...
Tot és plè de gent, no pots amb la bossa
però somrius, perquè saps amb certesa que mai tornaràs!
Tot queda enrere,
vas a la ciutat;
el cor et batega,
perquè ara ja saps
que mai tornaràs...
Ara, ets a la ciutat
i saps que mai més tornaràs!
Camines contenta entre el fum...
Ara ets a la ciutat,
camines contenta entre el fum...
Entre el fum...

Everything Is Behind You

Inside the train, you open the window;
You look out and your town seems even smaller.
It's too soon, at home everyone is asleep
And, once they awaken, you won't be there anymore...
Everything is behind you,
You're going to the big city;
The things that bound you here,
You've just pushed them aside...
The lifelong friends will be left there,
Behind the blinds, hiding their hearts.
The narrow streets, the bar and the church
And that hidden corner where you loved him so much...
Everything is behind you,
You're going to the big city;
All those things you wanted
Are right in front of you...
You're shaking, maybe you've made a mistake...
But you want to try it and your time has arrived:
You're crying, you know you're all alone.
The train has stopped. You close the window;
In your hand, you hold that address that someone gave you...
There are people everywhere, you're struggling with your luggage
But you smile, because you know very well that you'll never go back!
Everything is behind you,
You're going to the big city;
Your heart is beating,
Because now you know
That you will never go back...
Now, you're in the big city
And you know that you'll never go back!
You walk, happy, amidst the smoke...
Now you're in the big city
And you walk, happy, amidst the smoke...
Amidst the smoke...