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Zero Ke Hero [Zero To Hero]

Berkat diriku
Herc berkuasa
Dia menang undi dan sentiasa berkuasa
Bagai 'pro'
Hentikan sahaja 'show'
Tunjukkan dia raksasa dan bercakap SRO
Dia tiada apa ('Zero', 'zero')
Sekarang dia hebat
Dia hero
Dia sangat merendah diri
Dari 'zero' ke hero begitu sahaja
Senyumannya, ramai yang tergoda jadi hu, ha
Mereka tampal gambarnya merata, setiap pasu bunga
Semua bayaran dan royalti hanya 'tuk dibelanja
Sekarang terkenal dan kaya
Gaji 'Grecian' diceritakan*
Kata amin
Dia sudah mula
Dan tak pernah kalah
Dan penuh sepuluh
Berpusu melihat gaya badannya*
Dengan pakej badannya sempurna sekali*
Hercie datang, nampak dan 'conquer'
Orang ramai sudah jadi gila
Dia tunjukkan keberaniannya
Dari 'zero' ke hero
Dia hebat
'Zero' ke hero
Siapa terfikir?
Siapa tenangkan gladiator? (Hercules)
Keberaniannya sehebat teater (Hercules)
Hebatkah dia? (Tiada tandingan)
Comel 'kan dia? (Kegemaran semua)
Hercules, Hercules
Hercules, Hercules
Hercules, Hercules
Berkat diriku
Herc berkuasa
Takkan kalah
Dia hebat dan paling baik
Tiada ragu
Dulu tiada apa ('Zero', 'zero')
Sekarang hebat (Dia hero)
Dia melayang dengan pantas*
Dari 'zero' ke hero
Akhirnya hero
Sekarang dia hero
Memang benar

Zero To Hero

Bless me
Herc is powerful
He wins the vote and always in power
Like a pro
Just stop the show
Show him the monster and talk about SRO
He used to have nothing (Zero, zero)
Now he is cool
He is a hero
He is really down to earth
From zero to hero, just like that
Many people are attracted to his smile until they become huu, haa
They put his picture on every place and every flower vase
All payment and royalty are used to be spent
Now he is famous and rich
The Grecian salary is told
Say amen
He is going to start
And never losing
And full ten
Everyone is entering to see his body style
With his perfect package of body
Hercie comes, sees and conquers
Everyone turns crazy
He shows his bravery
From zero to hero
He is cool
Zero to hero
Who is thinking about it?
Who is the one who keeps the gladiator calm? (Hercules)
His bravery is as great as theatre (Hercules)
Is he cool? (Incomparable)
Is he cute? (He is everyone's favourite)
Hercules, Hercules
Hercules, Hercules
Hercules, Hercules
Bless me
Herc is powerful
He will never lose
He is cool and kindest
He used to have nothing (Zero, zero)
Now he is cool (Dia hero)
He soars high quickly
From zero to hero
Finally a hero
Now he is the hero
Absolutely true