Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Eyal Golan

    נגעת לי בלב → Engels vertaling

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You touched my heart

I remember the first moment
when we saw each other from afar
I'm yours and I will stay yours
I will learn with you when to shut up
My life passes expecting a guest like you
You understand me
You're beautiful but I didn't have many like you
I just have faith
Like everything that you touch, you touched my heart
I know, like every love story, what remains is pain
Tell me if you this is all my life or are we done?
or will you leave without saying anything?
Tell me if you come to me for the day, or if you will stay
Night, night, night; another night, and you're with me
I call you a girl, or shall I call you Mrs.?
I wanted you forever
Did you know when you first laid eyes on me
that you were engraved in my heart's future?
My life passes expecting a guest like you
You understand me
You're beautiful but I didn't have many like you
I just have faith
Like everything that you touch, you touched my heart
I know, like every love story, what remains is pain
Tell me if you this is all my life or are we done?
or will you leave without saying anything?
Tell me if you come to me for the day, or if you will stay
Night, night, night; another night, and you're with me
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נגעת לי בלב

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