Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • BlackSea4ever

    9/11 → Bosnisch vertaling

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Nineteen years flew by,
The sunny day, azure sky,
Two planes hitting NY towers -
The horror still overpowers.
When calls weren’t answered,
All senses were by fear seized,
When the twin towers came down,
Tears ran and heard was keening sound.
The disbelief:
How can such hate be nurtured?
What god, what words,
In their own hell tortured,
Made someone realize this plan?
More planes would that day go down,
In Washington and in the field
Of a Pennsylvania town,
And so many hearts were forever shattered.
Could fiery deaths of innocents
Really right someone’s wrongs?
How could anyone at the murders rejoice?
The names are etched on the granite walls...
Another war in the name of good will be started,
Thousands of other innocents will die,
When, if ever, on the side of righteousness,
Will people actually do what’s right!


Devetnaest godina je proletjelo,
Sunčan dan, azurno nebo,
Dva aviona udaraju u NY tornjeve -
Užas još nadvladava.
Kada na pozive nije bilo odgovora,
Sva čula su strahom obuzeta,
Kada su tornjevi blizanci pali,
Suze su tekle i čuo se naricajući zvuk.
Kako se može njegovati takva mržnja?
Kakav bog, kakve riječi,
Mučeni u njihovom vlastitom paklu,
Natjeraše nekog da ostvari ovaj plan?
Još aviona je tog dana palo,
U Washingtonu i u polju
Grada u Pennsylvaniji,
I mnogo je srca zauvijek smrvljeno.
Da li bi smrti nevinih u plamenu
Zaista mogle ispraviti nečije greške?
Kako se iko mogao radovati ubistvima?
Imena su urezana u granitnim zidovima...
Još jedan rat u ime dobra će početi,
Hiljade drugih nevinih će umrijeti,
Kada, ako ikad, na strani pravde,
Će ljudi konačno učiniti ono što je ispravno!
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