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  • Tamer Hosny

    ريح بالك → Engels vertaling

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Rayah balak

Relax and forget who has forgotten you
live for yourself .. your nights
O my heart , that's not what we wish
my house's longing whatever I miss
Your eyes .. It's not for you
Forget it , and don't return back to his love
let yourself be strong .. it doesn't matter
they are years lost , even if they pass
it will never return back whatever you do
Why would u return to support and continue
a love that hasn't an end from a start
Wound that hasn't an end
why would you tire yourself why
forget the time and forget him
O my heart , forget who hurts my feelings (I think The song is about a singer with hurt feelings that he is talking to his heart about his story )
I gave (offered) him my life (life time) and why
and why doesn't he ever well treated me , o my heart ?
Forget the days and forget him
O my heart , forget the one who hurts my feelings
I gave him my life and why ?
o my heart , why doesn't he ever well treated me ?
Just be strong , it's not a big deal
that are years lost , and even if they pass
It will never return back to you , what ever you do
Why would you return back and continue
a love that hasn't an end from a start
wound that hasn't an end
why would you tire yourself why
Oh my heart , no heart's pain
Don't worry , the days (the time) will pass
You will laugh and say
It's impossible
That I was doing like that
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ريح بالك

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