Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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Hug Me

Hug me
And don't tell me anything, just hug me
Your look is enough for me to comprehend
That you'll go away.
Hug me
As if it were now the first time
As if you love me today just like yesterday
Hug me.
If you go
You'll forget that one day, some time ago
When we were still children, you began to love me
And I gave my my life, if you leave.
If you go
Nothing will be ours anymore, you'll take it away
In just one moment, an eternity
I'll be left with nothing, if you leave.
Hug me
And don't tell me anything, just hug me
I don't want you to go, but I know very well
that you'll leave
Hug me
As if it were now the first time
As if you love me today just like yesterday
Hug me...
Hug me
And don't tell me anything, just hug me
I don't want you to go, but I know very well
that you'll leave
If you go
only silence will remain for me to talk with,
the shadow of your body and the solitude
will be my companions, if you leave.
If you go
My time and my best years will go together with you
I'll continue to love you more and more every day
I'll wait for you to come back, if you leave.
Hug me
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