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  • Abdel Halim Hafez

    أصيل ونخيل → Engels vertaling

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أصيل ونخيل

أغرق الأصيل مفرق النخيل فى سنا الشفق
فانثنى يميل عطفه الجميل حيثما اتفق
كم جرى هنا في الجداول
موكب السنا كالجدائل
كل من رأى شعره الدهب
تابع الرؤى أينما ذهب
أينما مشى مال وانتشى
تاه وانطلق
بينما الأصيل
أغرق النخيل فى سنا الشفق
فانثنى يميل عطفه الجميل
حيثما اتفق
واستمع إلى غنوة الصفاء
همسها علا بينما زكاء
غرسها خطا فى المغارب
يسرع الخطى مثل هارب
داف الاحمرار روّع النهار
قال فى قلق
أغرق الأصيل مفرق النخيل فى سنا الشفق
فانثنى يميل عطفه الجميل حيثما اتفق
أغرق الأصيل مفرق النخيل

Twilight & Palmtrees

The twilight drenched palm-trees1 in the light of dusk
So they bent their sides beautifully, wherever they could (~Randomly)
How & how it went on here in the streams
The parade of light, like braids
All who saw its golden hair (the light)
Kept on looking at it wherever it went .
Anywhere it walked, it kept on bending & wobbling
got lost & went on
While the twilight
drenched palm-trees in the light of dusk
So they bent their sides beautifully
Anyhow they could
And listen to the song of clarity
Its whispering got louder while it is increasing
Its seedling stepping on sunset-horizons
Hurrying its steps like a runaway
Who mixed in the redness (red light like shed-blood) & frightened the day
Which said in concern (the day)
The twilight drenched palm-trees in the light of dusk
So they bent their sides beautifully anyhow they could
The twilight drenched palm-trees
  • 1. it actually more like "drenched the tops of the heads of the palm trees".. like palm trees are humans in the horizon.
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