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Loving you is a pleasure

The wine tastes better in your mouth
"I love you" is sweeter in your voice
the night is shorter in your body
I am getting love sick
I'd like to go over your hair
I'd like to spend the night on your skin
thinking that everything was a dream
discovering you again right after.
And loving you the way I would
like a man loves a woman
having you for myself
and not daring to believe it's true
so mine, mine, mine, mine
that you are a part of my skin
I was lucky to meet you
loving you is a pleasure
I'd like to drink from your breasts
the morning honey
my fingers are looking for a path
towards the end of your being
Dancing the Over the Waves Waltz
body to body, you and me
merging with you in the shadow
And loving you the way I would
like a man loves a woman
having you for myself
and not daring to believe it's true
so mine, mine, mine, mine
that you are a part of my skin
I was lucky to meet you
loving you is a pleasure
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