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Balladen om Bjarkesnurr (traditionel version) [The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Traditional Version)]

Der fandtes en trold med et fint renommé
Han var rar, og hans svamp var som spejlblank glacé
Balladen om gamle Bjarkesnurr
Ja, alle små troldebørns yndlingsfigure
De skænkede ham multebær, mos og lidt myg
Og han grovåd med ildhu og voksede sig tyk
Med tiden blev vor Bjarkesnurr
Blot mæt og fik pondus og kuglekontur
Folk råbte, "Se ham trille, trille, trille"
Han grinede, "Se mig trille, trille rundt"
Men da der kom men'sker, har trolde fortalt
Mig, de trillede på flugt mod et bjergpas så smalt
Men gode, gamle Bjarkesnurr
Sad fast med sin nu imponerende statur
Da bange, små men'sker, de trak deres sværd
Smeltede Bjarkesnurr sammen med fjord, vind og vejr
Balladen om gamle Bjarkesnurr
Det' trist at gro fast, selv i Guds frie natur
Klemt, men ikke glemt
Fordi han ikk' ku trille, trille, trille
Åh, Bjarke, prøv at trille, trille rundt
Og derfor har vi den her tradition
Her i december, der samles vi tit
For at mindes an trold, som er vores favorit
Kom, hør en sang i mol og dur
Om en skøn, gammel fyr ved navn Bjarkesnurr
Så graver vi dybt, lægger fortiden blot
Hans næsebor stoppes, og græs bli'r til snot
Vi vil mindes skønne Bjarkesnurr
I skikkelse af en fin skulptur
Og han ta'r form så kæk og kold
Åh, Bjarkesnurr, du svampetrold

The Ballad of Bjarkesnurr (Traditional Version)

There was a troll with a fine reputation
He was nice and his fungus was like shiny gloss
The ballad of old Bjarkesnurr
Well, all small troll children's favourite figure
They gave him cloudberries, moss, and some mosquitoes
And he devoured with enthusiasm and grew fat
As time went, our Bjarkesnurr merely
Became full and became sizable and got his ball contour
People yelled, "See him rolling, rolling, rolling"
He laughed, "See me rolling, rolling around"
But when humans arrived, trolls have told
Me that they rolled towards a mountain pass so small
But good, old Bjarkesnurr
Got stuck with his now impressive stature
When scared, small humans drew their swords
Bjarkesnurr melted together with fjord, wind, and weather
The ballad of old Bjarkesnurr
It's sad to grow stuck, even in God's free nature
Wedged but not forgotten
Because he couldn't roll, roll, roll
Åh, Bjarke, try rolling, rolling around
And that's why we have this tradition
Here in December, we often gather
To remember a troll who's our favourite
Come, here a song in minor and major
Of a wonderful, old guy be the name of Bjarkesnurr
Then we dig deep, displaying our past
His nostrils are filled, and grass becomes snot
We will remember the wonderful Bjarkesnurr
In the shape of a nice sculpture
And he turns out so cocky and cold
Oh, Bjarkesnurr, fungus troll
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