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Bila mulanya hidupku? (Ulanga) [When Will My Life Begin? (Reprise)]

Lihat dunia
Sungguh dekatnya denganku
Oh, begitu besar
Beranikah ku?
Lihat saja
Sampai jua ku akhirnya
Patutkah? Tak! Mulakan
Bau rumput, tanah bagai dalam mimpi
Angin musim panas yang memanggil daku
Tuk pertama kalinya bebas begini
Ku kan berjalan, berlumba, menari, mengejar
Melompat, gembira, jantungku, berdebar
Indahnya, riangnya, kini ku terasa
Mulanya hidupku

When Will My Life Begin? (Reprise)

Look at the world
How close it is to me
Oh, it is so big
Am I brave to face it?
Just look at me
Finally, I have reached there
Should I? Nope. Start it
The scent of the grass and soil is just like in the dreams
The wind of the summer is the one that keeps calling me
For the first time ever I am free as I am now
I will walk, race, dance and run
I will jump happily and my heart is fluttering
How lovely and blissful it is as now I can feel it
The beginning of my life
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