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We should only think of you

We should have a heart so pure
We should see the sky hidden in this mud
We should really love
We should not to be afraid
We should not complain all the day long
And we should not replay to evil with evil
And we should not desire to escape anymore
( We should not desire ) to die anymore
We should only think of you
Only think only of you
Either we live on a star or in the deep
To love the world as it is
We should only think of you, you
Finding always the way to communicate
This huge love
Only love
No more pain
Only love
Because it deals with re-examining ourselves
To stay to a centimeter from the canyon
It deals with being very careful
To our changes
Because the problem is not to confuse ourselves with the noise
it is to live this internal space
Sometimes to find ourselves to walk
On the waters of the sea
We should only think of you
Only think of you
Being happy without becoming anything ever again
Being in suspension among the people that is here
We should only think of you, you
Finding always the way to communicate
This huge love
Only love
No more pain
Only love
We should only think of you, you
Finding always the way to communicate
This huge love
Only love
No more pain
Only love.
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