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  • Tereza Kesovija

    Bit će bolje, znam. → Engels vertaling

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Bit će bolje, znam.

Kad u ponoć sat isprati dugi dan,
bit će bolje, znam.
Kad iz oka suza kapne na moj dlan,
bit će bolje, znam.
Tamo gdje se živi život kao san,
tamo gdje je put još suncem obasjan
vidim zlatni pram,
bit će bolje, znam.
Odnekud se uvijek javi isti glas,
bit će bolje, znam.
Mutne vode ostale su iza nas,
bit će bolje, znam.
Kad u snijegu izgubi se blijedi trag,
bit će bolje, znam.
Kad u kosi zaspi topli vjetar blag,
bit će bolje, znam.
Letimo bez krila iznad oblaka,
volimo bez pitanja, bez godina.
Pobjednici dok je nade u nama,
to smo ti i ja, to smo ti i ja...

It'll Be Better, I Know

When the clock follows out a long day at midnight,
It'll be better, I know.
When a tear drops from the eye onto my palm,
It'll be better, I know.
There where life is lived as if it were a dream,
There where the path is still illuminated by the sun
I see a golden wisp
It'll be better, I know.
From somewhere the same voice always appears,
It'll be better,I know.
Muddy waters are left behind us,
It'll be better, I know.
When a pale trace is lost in the snow,
It'll be better, I know.
When a mild wind falls asleep in the hair,
It'll be better, I know.
We fly without the winds above the clouds,
We love without questions, without the years.
Winners - while there is hope within us,
That is you and me, that's you and me...
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