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What the autumn is?

What the autumn is? It's heaven
Crying heaven under feet.
Birds and clouds
Are flying out in pools
Autumn, I haven't be with you for so long time.
Birds and clouds
Are flying out in pools
Autumn, I haven't be with you for so long time.
Autumn, in heaven ships are burned
Autumn, I want to be away from ground
There where sadness drowns in sea
Autumn is dark distance.
What the autumn is? - it's stones,
Faithfulness over Neva that gets black.
Autumn again remembered to soul
About the most important thing,
Autumn, I'm again lose my rest.
Autumn again remembered to soul
About the most important thing,
Autumn, I'm again lose my rest.
Autumn, in heaven ships are burned
Autumn, I want to be away from ground
There where sadness drowns in sea
Autumn is dark distance.
What the autumn is? - it's wind
Again play with torn chains.
Autumn, will we go
will we fly to answer?
What will be with Motherland and with us.
Autumn, will we go
will we fly to answer?
Autumn, what will be with us tomorrow?
Autumn, in heaven ships are burned
Autumn, I want to be away from ground
There where sadness drowns in sea
Autumn is dark distance.
Autumn, in heaven ships are burned
Autumn, I want to be away from ground
There where sadness drowns in sea
Autumn is dark distance.
Town like flock barks in darkness
Autumn, what I have known about you?
How long leaves will be dying?
Autumn is always right .
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Что такое осень

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