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  • Manolo Escobar

    Cocidito madrileño → Engels vertaling

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Cocidito madrileño

Don't talk to me
Neither about the banquets that were in Rome.
Nor about the menu
Of the Plaza Hotel in New York.
Neither about the pheasant
Nor the dove foie-grass,1
Don't even tell me
About the lobster Thermidor.
For I lose sleep,
Needless to say,
And it's my pleasure and food
Salt and grace
The love that a woman puts in
The cocidito madrileño.2
Cocidito madrileño,
Minceing finely in the attic,
That smells to me like peppermint
And like a vebena.3in Las Vistillas4
Cocidito madrileño
Of yesterday and tomorrow.
Grief and joy
Of mother and sister.
Looking at you tenderly
I learned it from an early age.
For you are pure glory,
For you are pure glory,
Cocidito madrileño.
Tell me
Where there's a more joyful picture
With color
That lightens up the month of April,
When they are two
And they are below a tree,
And between both
A stew of the albañil.5
When the love
Of a woman tells her man
About her beauty and passion:
Take, honey,
Your cocidito madrileño,
That inside goes my heart.
  • 1. French food
  • 2. A typical traditional chickpea-based stew from Madrid
  • 3. Street festival
  • 4. A district in the centre of Madrid, near the cathedral
  • 5. Bricklayer
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Cocidito madrileño

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roster 31roster 31
   Woe, 09/04/2014 - 12:09

Está bien. It has a few things:
Don't you need 'neither' somewhere in the first stanza?
In the second stanza, I think it should be "look" instead of "watch"
Third stanza , first verse, "joyful picture"
Eighth verse - No 'dish' but "stew" or "cocidito"
Tenth - "... a woman tells her man"
Last verse - "...that inside goes my heart".

In my opinion, it needs punctuation.

roster 31roster 31
   Woe, 09/04/2014 - 12:42

Por favor, mira "Eugenia". Me gustaría que hicieras las últimas correcciones.