Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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Tule minu ildaja istumaie, videvikku vietämäie!

Tule minu ildaja istumaie,
videvikku vietämäie!
Ei mina tohi teile tulla,
teie koera haugub minda.
Oh sina hullu ja nuori neidu,
ei koera sinuda haugu.
Koer aga haugub hulkujaida,
üle õue kondijaida.
Tule minu ildaja istumaie,
videvikku vietämäie!
Ei mina tohi teile tulla,
teie lammas määgib minda.
Oh sina hullu ja nuori neidu,
ei lammas sinuda määgi.
Lammas aga määgib niitajaida,
pikka villa piirajaida.
Tule minu ildaja istumaie,
videvikku vietämäie!
Ei mina tohi teile tulla,
teie lehma ammub minda.
Oh sina hullu ja nuori neidu,
ei lehma sinuda ammu.
Lehm aga ammub lüpsajaida,
rogatuovri tostajaida.
Tule minu ildaja istumaie,
videvikku vietämäie!
Ei mina tohi teile tulla,
teie hobu hirnub minda.
Oh sina hullu ja nuori neidu,
ei hobu sinuda hirnu.
Hobu aga hirnub heinasiida,
varss aga kaljub kaerasida,
hirnub aga selga istujaida,
päitsite pähepaniji.
Tule minu ildaja istumaie,
videvikku vietämäie!
Ei mina tohi teile tulla,
teil on pöüräd pöüvä päällä.
Hundinahk on ukse eessa,
karunahk verava päälla

Come to Me to Sit in the Eve, to Spend Nightfall

Come to me to sit in the eve,
to spend nightfall.
I can't come to your1 place,
your2 dog barks at me.
Oh, you crazy/silly and young girl,
the dog it not barking at you.
The dog is barking at wanderers,
those who stray to the yard.
Come to me to sit in the eve,
to spend nightfall.
I can't come to your place,
your sheep baas at me.
Oh, you crazy/silly and young girl,
the sheep is not baaing at you.
The sheep is baaing at cutters,
those who shear its fleece.
Come to me to sit in the eve,
to spend nightfall.
I can't come to your place,
your cow moos at me.
Oh, you crazy/silly and young girl,
the cow is not mooing at you.
The cow is mooing at milkers,
those who carry its food bucket.
Come to me to sit in the eve,
to spend nightfall.
I can't come to your place,
your horse neighs at me.
Oh, you crazy/silly and young girl,
the horse it not neighing at you.
The horse is neighing for hay,
the foal is screaming for oats,
is neighing for one to sit on its back,
to put head-stails on.
Come to me to sit in the eve,
to spend nightfall.
I can't come to your place,
you have bugs on the feet(?).
Wolfskin is in front of the door,
bearskin on the gate.
  • 1. it's second person plural, at the same time singular wouldn't carry the meaning of a place
  • 2. also plural
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