Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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50, 60, 70 років тому

Зернисті кадри збляклих кінохронік,
Зернистий погляд крізь густу вуаль...
Зі звіром, що живе у мікрофоні,
Змагається маленька етуаль.
В боа потертім, витягнувши шию,
Вона почне простенький вокаліз.
І вам тепер смішний, я розумію,
Її пісень наївний символізм...
50, 60, 70 років тому
Вона співала
Про смуток і щастя,
І хто сказав, що вже не на часі
Прості слова?
50, 60, 70 років тому
Твій дід курсантом
Прибув до міста:
Афіші, танці,
Дівчачий гамір і бузковий дим.
Ось кельнери – стоокі херувими,
А ось вино – старе, та не п’янить...
Ось квіти, що колись були живими;
Усе заснуло сном десятиліть...
Їй очі сліплять навісні софіти;
Вона майне за двері кабаре
Й побачить сонце – мов цвяхом прибите:
Старе, як світ, – о, далебі, старе...
50, 60, 70 років тому
Воно вставало
Над смутком і щастям,
І хто сказав, що вже не на часі
Щедроти його?
50, 60, 70 років тому
Твоя бабуся
В пальті легкому
Проспектом бігла...
Ховала усміх у куточках вуст.
50, 60, 70 років тому
Вони зустрілись
На смуток і щастя,
І хто сказав, що вже не на часі
Історія ця?
50, 60, 70 років тому –
Вокзальні юрми,
Війна і тюрми...
Сумна співачка, чорно-біле кіно...
Сумна співачка, чорно-біле кіно...

50, 60, 70 Years Ago

Grainy frames of faded newsreels,
A grainy glance through the thick veil...
With the beast that lives inside the microphone
Struggling a little étoile1
In a shabby boa, craning her neck,
She starts to vocalise simply.
Now it is funny for you, I understand,
That naive symbolism of her songs...
50, 60, 70 years ago
She was singing
About grief and happiness
And who says they ever went out of fashion,
These simple words?
50, 60, 70 years ago
Your grandfather as a cadet
Came to the city:
Posters, dances,
Girlish chatter and lilac's mist.
Here are the wine stewards - argus-eyed cherubim,
Here is the wine, it's old, and yet not intoxicating...
Here are flowers, once they were alive;
Everything fell asleep for decades...
The hanging spotlights blind her eyes;
She will rush behind the door of the cabaret
And will see the Sun, as if it nailed to the sky:
It is old as the world, - oh, truly it is old...
50, 60, 70 years ago
It was rising,
Over grief and happiness
And who says they ever went out of fashion,
All its bounties?
50, 60, 70 years ago
Your grandmother
In a light coat
Was running along the avenue...
She was hiding a smile at the corners of her mouth.
50, 60, 70 years ago
They met
For grief and for happiness,
And who says it ever went out of fashion,
This story?
50, 60, 70 years ago -
Crowded stations,
War, and prisons...
A sad singer, a black and white movie...
A sad singer, a black and white movie...
  • 1. It's in French. Perhaps "a little star"; Here: a little young girl singing on a scene.
Gegeven reacties
Alexander LaskavtsevAlexander Laskavtsev
   Do, 21/06/2018 - 09:37

[@petit élève], [@Igeethecat], [@Gavin], [@Brat], [@Green_Sattva] and others: welcome to the new discussion! :)

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 09:50

Дякую за переклад, Олександре!

Alexander LaskavtsevAlexander Laskavtsev
   Do, 21/06/2018 - 09:53

Будь ласка, завжди радий допомогти, Софіє!

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 09:59

бузковий--> lilac's

Alexander LaskavtsevAlexander Laskavtsev
   Do, 21/06/2018 - 10:11

точно - нам мужикам главное чтобы цветы, а какие - неважно! :D

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 10:05

How about "the hundred-eyed cherubims" ( I am not sure about that)

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 14:21

There'a little one you missed: "a vocalise" - no such noun in English. You could have "a vocalisation" or you could instead say "She starts to vocalise simply"

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:25

Дівчачий гамір - it's really about 'girls making noise', so 'girlish' doesn't work here, sorry, Pierre.

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:33

Noisy girls? Chattering girls?

Alexander LaskavtsevAlexander Laskavtsev
   Vrij, 22/06/2018 - 06:25

There must be a noun, that pictures the "noise" that makes a crowd of girls.

Rene FabriRene Fabri    Vrij, 22/06/2018 - 07:03

Girls talk, chitchat, chatter, gossip, or jabber, tattle, babble, gabble, cackle, prattle.

   Vrij, 22/06/2018 - 09:50

Hmm - I don't want to tread on any toes but I do think "Girlish chatter" sounds good.
I think that was where we started wasn't it?

   Vrij, 22/06/2018 - 15:30

PS could you take a look at this when you have a moment? Before I revise it to death... ;)

   Vrij, 22/06/2018 - 13:12

Yes that's right. So "girlish talk" is the sound of girls chit-chatting to each other. It does work, you could say "The bar was filled with girlish talk when I entered" Sounds fine. :)

   Vrij, 22/06/2018 - 13:40

chatter is more descriptive I think. :)

Alexander LaskavtsevAlexander Laskavtsev
   Do, 21/06/2018 - 14:25

[@petit élève] There's no such word as "етуаль" in Ukrainian as well. A poet used this french word intentionally, to make it sound more classy, so I would like to leave this, to keep the style :)

Alexander LaskavtsevAlexander Laskavtsev
   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:02

As for spotlights: the spotlights blinded her eyes (temporary) ;)
Please read my translation once again...

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:38

May I ask you, how to say in Russian "Звіряється"?
"Доверяется" or something?

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:43

What is this small creature you have become? It's very cute!

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:55


I like this Kipling's story and I also like a Russian cartoon

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 17:47

Charming! I just watched it all. Fortunately it wasn't necessary to understand the dialogue. :)

Alexander LaskavtsevAlexander Laskavtsev
   Vrij, 22/06/2018 - 06:35

Хм... мне не совсем нравится как это звучит, но лучше слова мне в голову не приходит ;) Очевидно, она - поэтесса, и использует много необычных слов. Вообще в словаре это "Виявляючи довір'я, повіряти кому-небудь свої думки, таємниці, розкривати почуття". Может быть "открывается" лучше?

   Vrij, 22/06/2018 - 08:20

Да, мне кажется, "открывается" хорошо подходит.

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:10

Looking good!

Here's a good one for you - Cherubim is already plural (the single is cherub) so no cherubims. :)
Maybe say "the hundred eyed cherubim"

You could even say "Argus-eyed cherubim" if you want to be a smartass ;)

I agree that "blind her eyes off" sounds a bit much. "Blind her eyes" seems enough.

Alexander LaskavtsevAlexander Laskavtsev
   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:14

Thanks a lot! My Ancient Hebrew is sooo poor! :D
The problem is that in Slavic languages there's a single "Heruvim" and "Heruvimy" for plural.

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:17

Well I confess mine isn't that extensive ;)

I just know that one talks of "the cherubim and seraphim" for the angels collectively.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:17

And who says they ever went out of fashion,
These simple words?

Do lyrics go out of fashion? or out or style? or?
'fashion' sounds like related more to clothes, not songs?

Alexander LaskavtsevAlexander Laskavtsev
   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:20

Well, I could tranlsate this literally: "Who says they are not up to the time" but I don't like this phrase...

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:27

I agree, I would say 'out of style', but I am not native :)

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:37

I think either "out of style" or "out of fashion" are fine here.

Words are just as prone to fickle trends as clothes and haircuts :)

Either way, it's still rock and roll to me.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:43

Thanks Gavin, your comments are very helpful!

She was hiding a smile at the corners of her mouth.

prepositions are always a trap for foreigners :) is it 'at the corners' or 'in the corners'?

   Do, 21/06/2018 - 15:48

Hmm good one...

"In the corner" *is* the more usual expression, but "at the corners of her mouth" seems fine. Maybe because it's figurative? I guess also it's not really "in" the mouth but rather the ghost of a smile that isn't quite showing but is hinted at around the corners.

Sorry, that's probably a bit vague!

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Do, 21/06/2018 - 17:59

it's not vague. Maybe, there is some nice English expression for this... All we are trying to say is 'she was hiding a grin/smile' :)