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Sense una dona [Senza una donna]

No és el camí,
No és la drecera, baby.
Com estàs?
Jo estic aquí,
Guarint-me les ferides,
I... On estàs?
Des d'aquí,
Mirant la platja,
No he menjat
Ni ho he intentant encara...
Et puc sentir: tu te'n rius de mi!
I ja no m'espanta,
Puc quedar-me...
No sé per què
Passes l'estona, baby.
Tu sabràs...
Si vols jugar,
No et tallis: vés directe al cor,
Si és que en téns.
Sóc esclau,
Què em demanes?
Mira'm bé:
Jo t'estimo...
Et puc sentir: tu te'n rius de mi!
I ja no m'espanta,
Puc quedar-me...
I des d'aquí,
Mirant la platja,
Sense saber
Com puc mirar-te...
Et puc sentir: tu te'n rius de mi!
I ja no m'espanta
Puc quedar-me...
Vine aquí!
I que ja no és amb mi...

Without A Woman (Senza una donna)

It's not the way,
it's not the shortcut, baby.
How are you?
I'm here,
Healing my wounds,
And... Where are you?
From here,
Watching the beach,
I haven't eaten at all
I haven't even tried to...
I can hear you: you're laughing at me!
And it doesn't scare me anymore,
I can be...
I don't know why
You spend your time, baby.
You know why...
If you want to play,
Don't hold back: shoot straight to your heart,
If you do have one.
I'm your slave,
What are you asking me to do?
Take a good look at me:
I love you...
I can hear you: you're laughing at me!
And it doesn't scare me anymore,
I can be...
And from here,
Watching the beach,
Not knowing
How can I look at you...
I can hear you: you're laughing at me!
And it doesn't scare me anymore,
I can be...
Come here!
And isn't with me anymore...
Collecties met "Sense una dona ..."
Sergio Dalma: Top 3
Gegeven reacties
art_mhz2003art_mhz2003    Do, 13/08/2020 - 20:21

Great , Thanks a lot .....⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

   Do, 13/08/2020 - 23:38

I'm glad that you've also liked this song! Thanks for the stars, even if they are only symbolic :)

art_mhz2003art_mhz2003    Do, 13/08/2020 - 23:41

i dont have access to real stars unfortunately , i dont know why :)

 more than 5 star deserved  *heart* *heart* ....

NeomtNeomt    Vrij, 14/08/2020 - 13:49

من از ناظرها که بهشون می‌گن «مادریتور» پرسیدم و گفتند که توسط ادمین‌ یعنی ال تی قطع شده
از ادمین درخواست کنید که دسترسی بدن و بهشون توضیح بدید که در مورد کیفیت زبان‌هایی که مسلطید؛ مثل فارسی به انگلیسی یا انگلیسی به فارسی یا... رأی می‌دید
باید قبلش حتماً اطلاع می‌دادن. سابقۀ شما در این سایت، از خیلی‌ها بیشتره

   Vrij, 14/08/2020 - 11:51

Hello, your voting ability was revoked by admins after several mods reported you for abusing such ability. You used it to thank for translations and show appreciation for the songs instead of evaluating translations for how good or bad they were. You were told many times to refrain from abusing votes, but you kept on doing it anyway, hence, admins decided to revoke your ability to vote. Weren't you notified about such reasons?

art_mhz2003art_mhz2003    Vrij, 14/08/2020 - 20:54

Hello ,i used five stars to users for ( best songs with the best translation) indeed
and if i see errors in translation of someone i only send my suggestions with message for correcting  :)

   Vrij, 14/08/2020 - 20:08

You kept doing it for languages you don't claim to speak (like in this case), hence it's not true that you evaluate translations. Hence, your ability to vote was revoked by admins.

art_mhz2003art_mhz2003    Vrij, 14/08/2020 - 20:19

I did not know that I could not vote if I learned or like a language :)

   Vrij, 14/08/2020 - 20:25

Yes, you do. You were warned many times not to vote randomly and you were explained the rules many times. After you ignored every warning you received, your voting rights were revoked.

art_mhz2003art_mhz2003    Vrij, 14/08/2020 - 20:56

but never i warned before , Dear admins can check my messages or moderators messages

NeomtNeomt    Vrij, 14/08/2020 - 20:45

پیشنهاد می‌کنم حتماً این مسئله را با ادمین در میان بگذارید