Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Korpiklaani

    Veriset äpärät → Engels vertaling

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Bloody Bastard Children

We were born against our will
We were born with bloody faces
Bleeding like an autumn rain
A rain, black from my blood
Our eyes flaming red
Echoes through our ears
Voices, cries and screams
Screams of evil laughter
We are bloody bastard children
We are crying ihitiriekkos
Hiding in the rough forest
Hunting the travelers (x2)
Our father got lucky
His luck was misfortune for our mother
Our mother impregnated
Disgrace for everyone
In the darkness we suffer
Suffer if we have to
Have to get drunk from the skull
To get drunk to tease the travelers
We are bloody bastard children
We are crying ihitiriekkos
Hiding in the rough forest
Hunting the travelers (x6)
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Korpiklaani: Top 3
Gegeven reacties
   Zon, 05/12/2021 - 13:23

I added a translation source because this is the same translation that is published in the CD booklet. I also corrected a couple of typos.