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  • Joan Manuel Serrat

    Conillet de vellut → Engels vertaling

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Little velvet bunny*

She was gentle like velvet,
and faint-hearted like a little rabbit.
Snoopy was her hero
and she liked to play like a boy
and by the hand
she would bring me left and write without stopping.
Like a kite
doing cartwheels in the sky,
(it's beautiful the time in love),
and that wasn't a lost time.
Little velvet bunny.
But the rabbit out of the nest
would deceive me with any goal,
I was lost in the shortfall
from a Nikon or a Hassenlblad…
I had to chose
or get lost or have
a "ménage à trois".
But this is immoral
when one is a man so proper,
Iberian, masculine and Christian,
and I remained alone and screwed,
little velvet bunny.
Elle, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar
plagiarised you in each issue.
They say that you were given a place by
Richard Avedon in New York.
You can't complain.
What you dreamed of is already in your hands.
People know you,
an adolescent loves you
and an old man wants to adopt you.
Are you happy with your new beau?
Little velvet bunny…
But today I've seen the open sky,
God, who is good and knows what I've suffered,
has given me his advice
in a shop display from the house of Castells,
and I've bought myself the book "Photography is an art".
And within a month
I will be better than Pomés**.
You know where you'll find me…
203 82 82***
cowardly little bunny.
Without an excuse nor a bill,
little velvet bunny.
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Conillet de vellut

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