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Disturb the Stones

I want my eyes in your eyes.
I want my voice in your ear.
I want the cool hands of the wind.
I still want the pain of loving,
The pain of all that amazes.
I still want to burn sweetly,
Walk two paces from the sun.
And I want to disturb the stones,
Change the face of my nights,
Do away with your mystery.
And time, that's my own affair.
I want your laughter in my mouth,
I want your shoulders that tremble,
I want to run aground tenderly
Against a lost paradise.
I want to find my double again,
I want the origin of troubles.
I want to caress the unknown.
And I want to disturb the stones,
Change the face of my nights,
Do away with your mystery.
And time, that's my own affair.
I want to die on a Sunday
In the first shiver of spring
Under the great sun of Satan.
I want to die without fear,
Sunk into a leaden sleep.
I want to die with my eyes open,
Nose to the sky like a beggar.
And I want to disturb the stones,
Change the face of my nights,
Do away with your mystery.
And time, that's my own affair.
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Déranger les pierres

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Carla Bruni: Top 3
Idioms from "Déranger les pierres"
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