Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Björn Afzelius

    Det räcker nu! → Engels vertaling

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Det räcker nu!

Det stod i tidningen igår igen,
--en mycket kort notis med liten bild-
om en massaker i El Salvador;
Dom hade mördat några hundra till
nu igen,
nu igen!
En kvinna lägger armen om sin man,
En gamling tar en liten pojkes hand.
Så håller folket på att ena sej,
så dom kan övervinna fienden.
Just precis,
Just precis!
Det räcker nu!
Hör ni att dom ropar det:
Det räcker nu!
Dom gör det nu:
Mäktigt, som en flodvåg,
skall dom resa sej.
Det räcker nu!
Miljoner människor ropar det;
Det räcker nu!
Dom gör det nu:
Mäktigt, som en flodvåg,
skall dom resa sej.
Sandino började för länge se'n;
Han ledde styrkorna mot friheten.
Allende kämpade och föll i strid;
Han gav sitt liv för att ge andra liv;
Folket liv,
Just precis!
i Uruguay,
i Guatemala och i Nicaragua.
I El Salvador,
i Argentina och i Chile
är det hoppets vår.
Det räcker nu!
Hör ni att dom ropar det.
Det räcker nu!
Dom gör det nu:
Mäktig som en flodvåg,
skall dom resa sej!
Det räcker nu!
Miljoner människor ropar det;
Det räcker nu!
Dom gör det nu:
Mäktigt, som en flodvåg,
skall dom resa sej.
Basta ya! El pueblo unido jamais sera vencido!
(Det räcker nu! Ett enat folk kan aldrig besegras!)

It's enough now!

It was in the newspaper yesterday again,
-a very short announcement with a little photo-
about a massacre in El Salvador;
They had murdered several hundred more
Now again,
Now again!
A woman lay with her arm around her husband,
An old man takes a little boy's hand.
So people are uniting themselves,
so they can overcome the enemy.
Just exactly,
Just exactly!
It's enough now!
Do you hear that they shout it;
It's enough now!
They are doing it now:
Strong, like a tidal wave,
they will rise.
It's enough now!
Millions of people shout it;
It's enough now!
They are doing it now:
Strong, like a tidal wave,
they will rise.
Sandino began long ago;
He led the strike for freedom.
Allende fought and fell in battle,
He gave his life for others lives
The people's lives,
In Uruguay,
in Guatemala, and in Nicaragua.
In El Salvador, in Argentina, and in Chile
this is our hope.
It's enough now!
Didn't you hear, people yelling it:
It's enough now!
They are doing it now!
As strong as a tidal wave,
they will rise!
It's enough now!
Millions of people shout it;
It's enough now!
They are doing it now:
Strong, like a tidal wave,
they will rise.
(It's enough now! A united people can never be defeated!)
Björn Afzelius: Top 3
Idioms from "Det räcker nu!"
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