Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • The Kira Justice

    Dias de Guerra → Engels vertaling

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Days of War

A devastated world
By guns and soldiers
I see blood and ashes
But nobody on my side...
I call but nobody comes
Only the silence remains
Perhaps the world went crazy?
Because I don't understand...
The air now weighs
And I don't have anything anymore
Where am I going now?
My fear doesn't end
I call but nobody comes
Only the silence remains
Perhaps the world went crazy?
Because I don't understand...
What is going on
Perhaps they have fun at the fear?
Don't they care about the innocent ones?
Perhaps they don't see like us?
Somebody comes to save me
It's getting darker
And I hear a siren
I just wish peace
And undoing the walls
That separate us
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Dias de Guerra

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