Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Silbermond

    An dich → Engels vertaling

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To you

To you went every line I ever wrote
Around you my face circles
Dripping with sweat I lie in bed
And can't understand
Can't see you anymore
How it got so far
But now I am ready for a new time
Forget me, don't turn around anymore
Leave me here
You'll see it will work out
Even without you
Miss me, leave me here
And I never say never to you
Will you see me again
Heyey yeah yeah
And I will still think about you
When I am not here anymore
Never forget that I had
Such a good time with you
Totally down I stand there
Torn between the possibilities
And one thing is clear, it was
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An dich

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Idioms from "An dich"
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