Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Czech Folk

    Ešte som sa neoženil → Engels vertaling

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Ešte som sa neoženil

Ešte som sa neoženil, už ma žena bije,
a já som si prihotovil tri dubové kyje.
|: S jedním budem ženu biti
a s tým druhým deti, deti, moje deti,
a s tým tretím kyjačiskom pojdem na zálety. : |
Kam ty zajdeš, zajdem aj já, pojdeme do mlýna,
opýtáme sa mlynára čo to za novina.
|: Kolečka sa otáčajú,
žitečko sa mele, mele, mele, mele,
moja milá sa vydává, pojdem na veselie. : |

I Haven't Got Married Yet

I haven't got married yet, but my woman beats me already
And I made myself three oak mauls
|: I will beat my woman with the first one
And with the second one my children, children, my children
And with the third maul I'll go and find some love affairs : |
Where you will go, I'll go there too, we'll go to the mill
We will ask the miller what is this piece of news
|: The wheels are turning
The rye is milling, milling, milling, milling
My dear one is getting married, we'll go to the wedding : |
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