Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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Faca na caveira!

Infantaria! Infantaria!
Fui chamado pra guerrear,
Mas na hora H1quem diria!?
O meu fuzil resolveu falhar.
Com a faca entre os dentes2, a ordem era matar.
A pele do inimigo eu pus no mastro da bandeira.
Por isso eu sou chamado de Faca na Caveira.
É Faca, é Faca, é Faca na Caveira.
Patrulha, patrulha, patrulha a noite inteira
Na selva, nas guerras, no Mendanha e Madureira3
Escutem, escutem a risada da Caveira!:
"Iahaha, iahahahaha, iahaha, iahahahaha."
  • 1. "Hora H" means "the most important moment".
  • 2. Could literally be "with knife between (one's) teeth", but in Portuguese, it means things like "with determination or dedication or courage, etc.".
  • 3. Mendanha and Madureira are Brazilian neighborhoods

Knife in the skull

Infantry! Infantry!
I was called to wage war,
But at the right moment, who would have thought?
My rifle stopped working.
With a knife between my teeth1, the order was to kill.
I put the enemy's skin on the top of the flagpole.
That's why I'm called Knife in the skull
It's Knife, it's Knife, it's knife in the skull.
Patrolling, patrolling, patrolling all night long
In the jungle, at war, in Mendanha and Madureira2
Hear, hear the skull's laughter:
"Iahaha, iahahahaha, iahaha, iahahahaha."
  • 1. Could literally be "with knife between (one's) teeth", but in Portuguese, it means things like "with determination or dedication or courage, etc.".
  • 2. Mendanha and Madureira are Brazilian neighborhoods
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