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Filius hominis [Son of Man]

habes vires ut sis fortis
et sapientam ut sis sapiens
sciens tuum tempus adesse
errans isto modo
responsa invenies
tu stabis in monte
et in cimam tu vades
fili cuius est pater
liberus salies super
deinde pater cum tu sis
in tuo filio patrem videbis
et si fueris solus
dubia vinces
optime ibit iter
a puero vir eris
fili cuius est pater
liberus salies super
deinde pater cum tu sis
in tuo filio patrem videbis
docens semper disces
et discens docebis
amores dum porro tibi sint
quae somnia somniavisti
et imagines magiae
omnes fient verae
tui volant semper dies
fili cuius est pater
liberus salies super
deinde pater cum tu sis
in tuo filio patrem videbis
tuus filius
tuus filius est pater iam paulo

Son of man

You have the power to be strong
and the wisdom to be wise
Knowing that your time is here
Wandering in that way of yours
you'll find answers
You'll stand on the mountain
and you'll reach the peak
Son of the father
Freely you'll leap above
Then when you're a father
You'll see a father in your son
Even if you're alone
You'll conquer doubts
The journey will go very well
From a boy you'll be a man
Son of the father
Freely you'll leap above
Then when you're a father
You'll see a father in your son
In teaching you'll always learn
and in learning you will teach
until one day you'll have love
And all the dreams you dreamed
and the images of magic
All will be true
Your days always fly
Son of the father
Freely you'll leap above
Then when you're a father
You'll see a father in your son
Your son
your son is already something of a father
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