[SOLVED] Trying to find a song

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<a href="/nl/translator/vladimir4757" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1407413">Vladimir4757 <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Lid geworden op: 31.12.2018
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Okay a bit of a backstory, I was screwing with my parents Amazon Echo and just asked it to play songs by Akvarium, didn't work, then asked for songs by The Aquarium and Alexa started shuffling Akvariums music. It was Akvarium, not some other author, first song was "Поезд В Огне", then came "Ancient Russian Blues", I heard Garson Number 2 and a few others, and then one song sung by a female came on. I didn't recognize it, it had a pop-rock vibe to it and was very energetic. Of course, I asked Alexa and she said "Spider by The Aquarium" and I asked Siri on my phone and she, too, said "Spider by the Aquarium." However, my problem was that I didn't have time to find the song as I had to run off to college, and was like "Okay, I can find it when I get home." That was two weeks ago and I cannot find the song. My only evidence is a screenshot of Siri giving me the results. I searched for it in Russian, in English, and couldn't find the song. I looked at other bands and to no avail. If anyone knows what this song is sung by this female I would love to know because I thought the song sounded interesting.

And found it. This always happens, post a question, and I finally find the answer I was looking for. So I'm not too sure but it was another band it seems like unrelated to Akvarium. That is very bizarre, not too sure how that happened, but have not been able to find anything else out about it besides that. It was incredibly strange, first was Akvariums music, then this one song, and then back to Akvarium's music. Я не знаю. Oh well, solved my own problem and cannot remove this it looks like xD (although I should be the one who should know why it did that, I'm' going through college for information technology I should understand the underlying issue)