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Be at fault

To blame is the sun that is leaning, you're the darkness, it brings you
To blame is the night that it dreaming
I blame that it never reach you
And to blame is the soul that gets older
And it's crying for whatever it's ending
Fears like audience around
They bet in one more round
If only all the things that I haven't told you, I haven't
If only all the things that I have seen from you, I haven't
But here, remember sweetheart, in the end all the things we have done will be paid here
If the fate does exist, will do the bill
The front that you have for everyone, will break
The fraud that youre calling love it stops here
In the end maybe I may be the only one at fault,
That I hugged like that a mistake aw though it were a baby
It's at fault that is my sadness so much
I blame that it remembers the fall
To blame is the mind that it wanders
I blame it for turning me back to the shallows
And it's at fault the small sky of yours
That it hides the big cliff of yours
Its to fault that the life is an arena
In the fight we weren't one
The <> it burns me
I blame everything
One you, one me
But if the fate does exist, will have the reason and I may be vindicated
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