Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
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Great, Great, Great

With you I’ll have to fight
you can’t be taken as you are.
Your flaws are so many
that not even you know of them.
You’re like a capricious little girl,
you always want to be the winner.
You’re the most egotistical and domineering woman
that I’ve ever known.
But, what’s good is that, at the right moment
you know how to become someone else.
In an instant you are great, great, great,
I no longer remember my sorrows.
I see all my friends
are relaxed more than me.
They don’t have to argue about everything
the way you make me do.
They receive the usual tie
for their birthday.
They always say yes,
they never have problems,
are convinced that that’s all there is in life.
Instead no, instead no,
life is that which you give to me.
In war every day, I’m alive,
I’m the way you like it.
I hate and then I love you
and then I love you and then I hate you
and then I love you.
I never ever leave you,
you’re great, great, great,
you’re the only one that’s great like you.
I hate and then I love you
and then I love you and then I hate you
and then I love you.
I never ever leave you,
you’re great, great, great,
you’re the only one that’s great like you.
Originele teksten

Grande, Grande, Grande

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