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Hold on to me tightly

You haven't looked at me like that for a long time
Haven't told me anything for a long time
Our photos you've taken down
Because you're missing something
You call me and say I don't remember
Remember what affects you
The recent years have stirred you up
And confused you even more
Hold on to me tightly, when your life rips you apart
Hold on to me tightly, if you don't know any further
I can understand you
Hold on to me tightly, because that is all that remains
I'll leave the light on until you can sleep
But you roll back and forth
Sleep the nights averted from me
Are you lonely next to me?
Hold on to me tightly, when your life rips you apart
Hold on to me tightly, if you don't know any further
I can understand you
Hold on to me tightly, because that is all that remains
Do you see the way out of that darkness?
Do you want to get out, I'm ready
This could not have been everything
I believe in us and our time
Hold on to me tightly, when your life rips you apart
Hold on to me tightly, if you don't know any further
Hold on to me tightly, when your life rips you apart
Hold on to me tightly, if you don't know any further
I can understand you
Hold on to me tightly, because that is all that remains
Hold on to me tightly, when your life rips you apart
Hold on to me tightly, if you don't know any further
I won't let go
Hold on to me tightly, because that is all that remains
Hold on to me tightly, because that is all that remains
Hold on to me tightly, because that is all that remains
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