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  • Đorđe Balašević

    Hej lega → Engels vertaling

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Hej lega

Била је то зима пуста, пијана...
Слудила ме једна лепа Смиљана...
Госпојица Есекерка, једина у мајке ћерка...
Треперава као бреза...
Лагала ме, препреденка, да је лоза самог Тренка...
Хајдучица и принцеза...
Било је то време око благдана...
Бела шлинга од пахуља саткана...
И прапорац на тој шлинги...
За зорницу "чинги-линги"! А за фруштук срк чобанца...
Од Чепина до Ердута, без шешира и капута...
Соницама са два вранца...
Хеј, лега, сретнеш ли је кад?
Осмехне л' се, ил надури? Застане ли ил пожури?
Или мине... Ко да ниси ту? То би најпре личило на њу...
Хеј, лега, ко би знао тад...
Да ми могу доћи главе оне очи боје Драве...
И дан-данас палим свећу за нас...
Пар гемишта и думине... Све док чежња не умине...
Е, мој лега... Нема оног снега...
Само су нам зиме остале...
Била је то зима чиста, божија...
Свака нова била је све лошија...
Госпојица Есекерка, умиљата моја зверка...
Плела ме у златну кику...
Још се кријем у тој коси док ме задња треска носи...
Полагацко низ "штросику"...
Хеј, лега, сретнеш ли је кад?
Осмехне л' се, ил надури? Застане ли ил пожури?
Или мине... Ко да ниси ту? То би најпре личило на њу...
Хеј, лега, ко би знао тад...
Да ћу бити у свом веку још и странац у Осеку...
Око Даља тамна ноћ се ваља...
Срп месеца звезде жање изнад Дарде и Барање...
Знаш, лега... Мало ми је доста свега...
Једино ми никад доста ње...

Hey, Friend

It was a lonely, drunken winter...
Beautiful Smiljana bedazzled me...
Miss from Osijek, her mother's only daughter...
Quaky as a birch...
She lied to me, smooth operater, that she is of Trenk's blood1
A desperado and a princess...
It was around holidays
White embroidery made of snowflakes
And a jingle bell on that embroidery
Instead of Advent morning mass 2 a chingi-lingi!3 And a taste of shepherd soup4 for breakfast
From Čepin to Erdut5, without the hat and coat
On the sled with two black horses
Hey, friend6, do you ever run into her?
Does she smile or does she make a long face? Stops or hurries?
Or she passes.... as if you're not there? That would be in her style the most...
Hey, friend, who could have known
That those Drava7-colored eyes would be my doom
I still light a candle for our happiness today
A few glasses of vine and water and stuff... Till longing stops
Oh, my friend, that snow is gone
We're left only with the cold
It was a pure godly winter
Each new winter was worse and worse
Miss from Osijek, my cuddly beastie
She weaved me in golden hair
I still hide in that hair as last shiver carries me
Slowly down Strossmayer street
Hey, friend, do you ever run into her?
Does she smile or does she make a long face? Stops or hurries?
Or she passes.... as if you're not there? That would be in her style the most...
Hey, friend, who would have known then
That during my time I will even become a stranger in Osijek
Dark night rolls around Dalj8
Moon's sickle reaps stars over Darda and Baranya9
You know, my friend, I've had about enough of it all
She is the only thing I can never get enough of
  • 1. baron Trenk,
  • 2. Rorate mass
  • 3. probably dancing hungarian fast dances in restaurants with gipsy musicians near the city because Chingi-lingi is a famous csarda (tavern) near Osijek
  • 4. soup similar to goulash, spiced with paprika, containing few types of meat. It is usually served after midnight at whole-night weddings. Here it is probable they are out partying all night
  • 5. Čepin is the southern suburb of Osijek, Erdut is about 30 km east of Osijek
  • 6. lega is a local phrase specific for Osijek, it is how people call each other in Osijek and that is why people from other places call people from Osijek - lega
  • 7. river in Osijek
  • 8. village near Osijek
  • 9. Darda is a place in Baranya - a region north of Drava
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Boris LazarevBoris Lazarev    Di, 02/03/2021 - 09:34

мислио сам да "лега" значи "fellow", испоставља се да је ово осиечки "специалитет"

M de VegaM de Vega
   Di, 02/03/2021 - 11:47

Hvala! Moglo je i fellow, na prvu sam mislila buddy, ali ovo je najopćenitije. Moglo je čak i "man" jer svi su lege, osim legica.