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By an old way

My mother sang a lullaby to me
And told a story
How could they been taken from their birthplace,
How could my brother and my father one day went to war?
They went and did not go back,
And stayed to be soldiers forever.
And now I can not live abroad,
I collect my old memoirs and return
Shall I not live in big and bright cities big,
It is enough for my city to be ancient and far away,
I don't want my life to be that safe.
I return home by an old way,
I return home by an old way
I'm guilty of leaving you, my sweet mommy,
Forgive me, forgive that I come back, come home, return to my family.
Your pain I also take,
And I'll sit at the corner of our home,
And I will listen to your song and it will set my soul free of longing which does not leave my heart
I collect my old memories and come back
My mother's life was so arranged that she was always waiting for someone. My father died during the war, and there was no news from my brother. After a while, my brother's name was found in the list of missing people. My mother started to invite every soldier who passed through her house to eat, and when they were leaving, she took my brother's picture from her heart and showed them - in the case they could have seen him. Then the neighbors told me how my mother was hurting by the reason of my last visit to a soldier's head. The doctors said it was a heart attack.
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