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The Season of Harvest

Here, it's not the headquarters
of the big change
One bed, one fridge
A few books on the ground
Two used discs
One pick up from the cheap ones
The revolution should wait
I don't see people anywhere
Swedish models, installments
Addicted to hardcore
A life from discounts
With every comfort
Seems like the insult is gone
and a guilt is in the background
The few of you, go back home
We don't have enough participation
The few of you, go back home
The time hasn't come yet
The Season of Harvest
of our great sowing
in the age of contemplation
Find a word to fit in
In the age of contemplation
find a word to fit in
And against policy
a reason to speak
Here, it's not the start
Nor the terminal
Buses don't stop
Nor the suburban
Don't raise the dirt
Play your Thourios 1 silently
Nobody has woken up yet
They must have slept late
Nobody has woken up yet
Speak a bit more silent
The Season of Harvest
of our great sowing
in the age of contemplation
Find a word to fit in
In the age of contemplation
find a word to fit in
And against policy
a reason to speak
  • 1. Thourios is a Greek patriotic hymn written in 1797, aiming to inspire Greeks to start the revolution for independence against the Ottomans.
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