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    İhanetin Bekçisi → Engels vertaling

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İhanetin Bekçisi

Kalbimi ikiye böldün sen giderken
Canim yarisi senin, yarisi ihanetinin bekcisi
Hasreti koydun gittin be sen bu eve niye
O seni benden daha mi fazla sevdi söyle bari
O beni öptügün dudaklarla
Baska dudaklari nasil öpersin
Aklim almiyor söyle nasil, söyle nasil
Kendini bu kadar yalniz hissetmedi hic gönül
Al senindir bu ömür,aska feda olsa sana yetermi
Hic biri tutamazki senin yerini
Yar hadi yol yakinken geri dön
Yabanci bir el kirletmeden tenini
O beni öptügün dudaklarla ...

Guard of unfaithfulness

You have broken my heart into two halves
Half of my soul is yours; the other is belongs to the guard of unfaithfulness
Why did you left the longing in this home and go away?
Did she love you more than i do, at least tell me this
With the lips you kissed me
How can you kiss other lips
I don't understand, tell me how, tell me how
My heart never felt so lonely
Take this life of mine, if it becomes a victim of love is that enough for you
Nobody can take your place, come back to me before it's too late, before a stranger stains your skin
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