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  • Farin Urlaub Racing Team

    Immer dabei → Engels vertaling

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Always There

I'm always there
When you rule the world in a dream
Fantasise of boundless omnipotence
I'm there
I'm always there
When a little later your day begins
And your dreams are just the shadows of clouds
And child's play1
You don't believe I exist
Nevertheless, I'm always here
Separate and yet a part of you
I'm always there
Even when you believe that no one's listening
When you think you're completely undisturbed
I'm there
I'm always there
When you lie for the first time in your life
And you even cheat your own friends
I'm there
I know this is sounding schizophrenic
You have to turn your head a bit
Then you can see me in the mirror
I'm always there
When a woman is wrong about you
And the lies have long since turned to habit
To hypocrisy
And even when I have seen
What deep abysses there were
I still stay silent as a grave
I'm always there
When you promise her improvement
And then break her heart and your promise
I'm there
I'm there when you try it
Risk everything, lose everything
When you totally ruin your life
I'm always there
And even if you curse me every day
I'm the answer you're always looking for
I would like to be there
When you draw your last breath
When you close your eyes forever
Then I will finally be free
  • 1. In the literal sense: see how the German word is like saying 'playery' in English in the same way that a bakery is full of baking, your dreams are full of play.
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Immer dabei

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