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  • Miguel Bosé

    Invito a cena → Engels vertaling

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Invitation to supper

you live here
It's nice, yes!
This invitation for supper is so
Exciting for me
Let's this time, we three, together,
Be happy!
But tell me, how are you doing?
How is it as a couple?
Kids, not for the moment
Life is hard, I know
There are difficulties
But all this, I know
Is a burden
But for me,
The solitude is
A day which continues
From sunrise to eternity
And I
I am alone
What are you doing there?
Come here,
Don't bother to much
I'll eat whatever you give me
What is important for me
Now is to be with you
Here with you
Don't fight, or
Like in the past, I'll have
To scold you a little
My friends,
Soon everything will pass
We know how a word
Can fix it all
But for me,
The solitude is
The silence that stretches
From light to darkness
And I
I am alone
And for me,
The solitude is
A day which continues
From sunrise to eternity
And I
I am alone
But for me,
The solitude is
The silence that stretches
From light to darkness
And I
I am alone
I am alone
I am alone...
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Invito a cena

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