Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Sta achter Oekraïne!
  • Yüksek Sadakat

    Kafile → Engels vertaling

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Before this fire of me deflates
Before seasons turn from summer to autumn
Before sleeps falls to your eyes
Press me to your bosom, take me to the dreams
Even though in love soul is more rightful than body
It neither wants a mosque nor a church
This happening won't finish unless complexion deflates
Don't get me wrong
I'm not complaining, but
That's how I knew love
Come, be an ointment for my wounds
I'm both heart and body
Breath and spirit
I'm drinking the wine of love
Even though my death will come quickly
I'm both heart and soul
Fire spirit
Let's drink the wine of love
Let's loose ourselves
Before this fire of me deflates
Before seasons turn from summer to autumn
Before sleeps falls to your eyes
Press me to your bosom, take me to the dreams
Even though lifetime won't pass like that
Even though you laugh and cry, everything's in vain
Even though you stop, this echelon will march
Don't get me wrong,
I'm not complaining, but
That's how I knew love
Come, be an ointment for my wounds
I'm both heart and body
Breath and spirit
I'm drinking the wine of love
Even though my death will come quickly
I'm both heart and soul
Fire spirit
Let's drink the wine of love
Let's loose ourselves
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