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Let it bleed

How manieth (which) season is this?
How manieth (which) spring is this?
What does this fake smile mean?
Don't you have the courage to look at my face?
Is there something you're hiding?
How manieth (which) season is this?
How manieth (which) spring is this?
What does this fake smile mean?
Don't you have the courage to look at my face?
Is there something you're hiding?
Me, sinless bride,
you, fake lover..
I won't believe these unfaithful words any more,
How manieth farewell is this, how manieth fake break-up?
Even if you will, even if you say no, I don't have the power for this any more..
Let it bleed, let it bleed,
Let my wound bleed,
this kind of love, if it's my destiny,
let my mother cry (an expression)
I loved, but am not loved,
at those nights missing you, who would understand my agony?
Let it bleed, let it bleed,
Let my wound bleed,
this kind of love, if it's my destiny,
let my mother cry (an expression)
I loved, but am not loved,
at those nights missing you, who would understand my agony?
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